The Metropolitan Bells is an advanced community handbell ensemble consisting of 13 auditioned ringers from the greater Chattanooga area. They perform on six octavesof Malmark bells and six octaves of Malmark choir chimes.
Established in 1993, The Metropolitan Bells was the vision of founding director, Ken Cochrane. Under his 10 years of leadership, The Metropolitan Bells enjoyed performances with the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, the Chattanooga Boys Choir, and the Chattanaooga Girls Choir.
The goal of the organization is to bring advanced sacred and secular handbell music to the community and to promote the art and enjoyment of handbell ringing. Over the years, the group has performed for numerous weddings, civic groups, and community events. The group is currently under the direction of Gary Bynum.
The concerts are free to the public, however, donations will be accepted.
Tuesday, December 8th, 7:30 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church, 8645 East Brainerd Rd; Chattanooga, TN.
Thursday, December 10th, 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 3425 Ocoee Street North; Cleveland, TN.
Thursday, December 17th, 7:30 p.m. at Brainerd Baptist Church, 300 Brookfield Avenue; Chattanooga, TN.
Monday, December 21st, 7:30 p.m. at Grove Level Baptist Church, 2802 Cleveland Highway; Dalton, GA.
For Additional Information Call: Bary Bynum, 423-899-3643, 535-3076, 504-4679 or [email protected].
Find us on Facebook, Metropolitan Bells of Chattanooga