On Monday, May 27, beginning at 1:30 p.m., the Annual East Ridge Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at Pioneer Frontier Park, located beside East Ridge City Hall.
This annual tradition honors those that have served in any branch of the military who died while on active duty. The William E. Blair Post 95 of the American Legion will spearhead this event along with city personnel and the Crestwood Garden Club.
City offices and non-essential services, which include the City Library, will be closed in observance of Memorial Day. For those that have Sanitation trash pickup on Monday, your trash will be picked up on Tuesday, May 28th. Please make sure your trash carts are to the curb by Monday evening to ensure pickup. There will be no brush or bulk item pickups for the week of May 27th.
For a location map and calendar of Sanitation services, please visit our website at www.eastridgetn.gov or this direct link to the Sanitation homepage: http://eastridgetn.gov/Government/Departments/Sanitation.aspx