As part of the I-75/I-24 design-build interchange modification project in Hamilton County, TDOT contract crews will implement a temporary partial ramp closure this weekend. Beginning near Exit 2 on I-75 South, the ramp from I-75 South to I‑24 West will be reduced to one lane from 9:00 p.m. EST on Friday, November 8, 2019 to 5:00 a.m. EST on Monday, November 11, 2019 as contract crews work to install a 12-foot lane and shoulder. This work will allow the contractor to streamline future material deliveries to the project site and minimize traffic disruptions to the interchange throughout the life of the project.
At least one lane will remain open at all times allowing traffic to move through the work zone during this partial ramp closure.
If you must travel through this area, please pay close attention to the temporary traffic pattern and be prepared to expect delays. Local traffic is advised to avoid the area if possible while this work is underway.
This work is weather dependent. Should inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances delay this work, it will be rescheduled to take place at a later date.
C.W. Matthews Contracting Co., Inc. is the contractor for the $132.6-million I‑75/I‑24 interchange modification design-build project, which is slated for completion in June 2021. For more information on the I-75/I-24 interchange modification project or to sign up for project updates, visit the project website at https://www.tn.gov/tdot/projects/region-2/i-75-interchange-at-i-24.html.
From your desktop or mobile device, get the latest construction activity and live streaming SmartWay traffic cameras at www.TNSmartWay.com/Traffic. Travelers can also dial 511 from any land-line or cellular phone for travel information, or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/TN511 for statewide travel or Chattanooga area alerts @Chattanooga511 or any of TDOT’s other Twitter pages. As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and Know Before You Go! by checking travel conditions before leaving for your destination. Drivers should never tweet, text or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.
In 2016, the Tennessee Department of Transportation lost three workers in the line of duty. All three were struck by passing motorists. Those tragedies bring the total number of TDOT lives lost to 112. We don’t want to lose another member of our TDOT family. We’re asking you to WORK WITH US. To learn more, go to the website at https://www.tn.gov/tdot/work-with-us/.