NASHVILLE – On Tuesday, at the 2nd Annual Tennessee Sportsmen’s Caucus Dove Hunt in Houston County, the Tennessee Sportsmen’s Caucus donated $5,000 to Hunters for the Hungry, a non-profit program that provides healthy protein to hungry Tennesseans.The check was presented to Mike Butler, Director of the Tennessee Wildlife Federation for Hunters for the Hungry, who also attended the dove hunt.
Co-Chairman of the Tennessee Sportsmen’s Caucus, Senator Mike Bell (R-Riceville) said he was pleased to have the opportunity to donate to Hunters for the Hungry.
“Hunters for the Hungry is a great organization that makes it possible for Tennesseans in need to get healthy proteins necessary for a balanced diet,” said Bell. “As a sportsman, I am happy to support their cause and look forward to continuing to work with this program to ensure they are able to reach and feed hungry Tennesseans for many years to come.”
Since 1998, Hunters for the Hungry has provided more than 6.5 million meals to Tennesseans in need. When hunters harvest a deer, they may donate it to Hunters for the Hungry at a participating processor. The venison is processed for free or at a reduced rate and then provided to area food banks or soup kitchens. One deer provides as many as 168 meals of venison.
The Tennessee Sportsmen’s Caucus is a bi-partisan group of Tennessee state legislators interested in issues facing hunters and anglers in Tennessee. They work to support conservation policies and growth for sportsmen.