City officials work to re-direct traffic on Ringgold Road, Wednesday afternoon, after a ruptured hydraulic line on a city garbage spewed fluid on the roadway.
A ruptured line from an East Ridge garbage truck spewed hydraulic fluid on Ringgold Road late Wednesday morning, closing one lane of east bound traffic to motorists.
Officials said the truck leaked the fluid on the main commercial artery of the city beginning at Tombras Avenue and ending at Belvoir Avenue. The incident was reported at about 11:30 a.m.
Fire Chief Mike Williams said that police and Streets Department employees quickly put down traffic cones to limit cars to one lane while sand was applied to the continuous slick.
“As cars are running over the sand it is crushing it into the fluid and reducing the slickness,” Chief Williams said.
Williams said a large amount of fluid pooled at the intersection of Ringgold Road and Belvoir Avenue when the crippled truck stopped there at a red light.
Officials said no accidents have been reported due to the incident.