As schools are closed, events cancelled, and work hours curtailed, food programs across Chattanooga are seeing a rise in demand for food resources due to COVID-19. To help fill that demand locally, the Chattanooga Red Wolves are giving 100 precent of merchandise sales to the YMCA food program. Every dollar spent in the Red Wolves online store will be given to the YMCA food program. This campaign will run from Friday April 3, to Friday April 17, with the possibility of an extension depending on the status of COVID-19 in Hamilton County.
“The YMCA provides healthy meals, childcare and educational programming to Hamilton County students throughout the school year and during this time of crisis. Hamilton County schools serve 44,000 students and about 67% of those students rely on their school for breakfast and lunch every day. During school closure, these students depend on the district and our community partners like the YMCA to provide the food they need. The YMCA identified and opened about 40+ food sites in our community in partnership with the district’s efforts when schools closed in early March. Over spring break, they have opened an additional 18 sites to get even more meals into the hands of students.” said Hamilton County Schools
The Downtown YMCA is on the front lines of the fight against this virus by providing childcare for children for healthcare workers and meals for every Hamilton County student. They are committed to being there for our community. That’s why we are teaming up with the Downtown YMCA in supporting our community and its needs. The Chattanooga Red Wolves Soccer Club is proud to be able to provide support in this initiative.
“It’s evident that the disruptive nature of COVID-19 has caused so many uncertainties around the globe. But one of the uncertainties we want to greatly reduce here in Hamilton County is where a child’s next meal will come from. This is why the Chattanooga Red Wolves are donating 100% of the every merchandise sale to our partners at the Downtown YMCA in their quest to distribute food to families in the Chattanooga area. We can’t have people worrying whether or not they will have enough food for the day. ” said Sean McDaniel, President & General Manager. “At the end of this two-week window, we will re-evaluate the length of this campaign. We will also be rolling out additional initiatives in the coming week to help serve and support our community as much as we can.”
Any family seeking food assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic, can visit the YMCA’s website, https://www.ymcachattanooga.orgto get information on the nearest food pantries or how to donate directly.