Each and every resident of East Ridge is being invited to the Chattanooga Red Wolves SC game on Saturday evening, July 27, as the club hosts the football club of Tucson at David Stanton Field on the campus of Chattanooga Christian School.
Here’s where it gets good. The cost of admission is being discounted to 10 bucks; that’s right $10. And, almost as good, the club is having a “red out,” encouraging all Red Wolves fans to wear the team’s colors.
Chip Scott, a Red Wolves official who grew up in East Ridge, said the club wants to develop a special relationship with city residents since East Ridge will be the permanent home of the USL League One team, hopefully by the middle of next season.
Here’s how you get the special deal. Go to the team’s Website and click on “tickets.” Once there enter the code EASTRIDGE27 into the field entitled “coupon.” You will then get the special price of $10.
Here’s a link that will take you right to the spot….https://mpv.tickets.com/?agency=CRWV_PL_MPV&orgId=54009&pid=8679011#/event/8679011/ticketlist/?view=pricescales&minPrice=12&maxPrice=35&quantity=2&sort=price_desc&ada=false&seatSelection=false&onlyCoupon=true&onlyVoucher=false
Scott said the reduced ticket prices is a nod to the residents of East Ridge who will be neighbors to the 5,500-seat stadium the club is building on 60 acres just off Spring Creek Road.
So far during the Red Wolves’ inaugural season, they’ve amassed five wins against four loses and six draws, records show.
The Red Wolves have six more home games at David Stanton Field before the season concludes on Oct. 5, as they host Toronto FC.