The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is asking: What better way is there to practice ‘social distancing,’ than to get outside and enjoy Tennessee’s natural resources?
When enjoying recreational boating, it is important to observe the following practices to protect yourself and others and slow the spread of COVID-19:
- Only boat with those in your immediate household: no guests or outside-of-household family.
- Boat close to home. Make direct trips to local accesses only: go right from your home to the access and back.
- Maintain distance at fuel and community docks.
- When fueling, wash your hands as you would when car fueling. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- No beaching or rafting with other boats: maintain social distance of 6-10 feet.
- If you have been diagnosed with, or are exhibiting symptoms consistent with, COVID-19 (including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing), you should not leave your home at all, including to participate in outdoor recreation. This self-isolation period should extend for at least 7 days after illness begins and 72 hours of being fever-free without using fever-reducing medications and resolution of other symptoms.

Places open for you and your family to go enjoy the outdoors:
Boat ramps – Boating requires lots of space for the most part. There are plenty of places you can launch a boat (or a kayak) and enjoy some time on the water.
Family fishing lakes – Looking for a fishing hole with a little peace and quiet? Somewhere to spend quality time with family and loved ones? Then try one of these for solitude, relaxation and the chance to catch bass, sunfish, crappie, and catfish.
Bank Fishing -Keeping a good casting distance between each other is key while bank fishing. There are lots of places statewide where you can take the family fishing.
State parks are open! – There are over 50 state parks offering outdoor activities ranging from hiking, biking, paddling, fishing and so much more! As of now, they are back open for day use. State parks are free to all.
Wildlife Management Areas – great places for a wildlife watching, hiking, and spending some time upping your vitamin D.
Select Shooting ranges on WMAs (only unstaffed shooting ranges are open) – These unmanned shooting ranges are an easy way to practice your skills and keep your distance.