The following information was provided by the East Ridge Police Department from “pass along” reports.
June 3 Day Shift
6212 Ringgold Road:
A field interview was conducted on a man after he walked into the Farmer’s Insurance and staff believed him to be disoriented due to old age. The man was missing teeth which made him hard to understand but it was determined he was not impaired of confused. He was transported to the Budgetel where he us currently residing.
6700 Ringgold Road:
Multiple items were left on the sidewalk of the bridge with a sign from Thrifty Ministries stating the items had been left for the area homeless. East Ridge Sanitation personnel were informed of the abandoned items which included multiple boxes of blankets, pillows, shoes, housewares, etc.
1400 Wright Street:
A man at this address reported the theft of his Hyper Pro Spin BMX bicycle which was stolen overnight. The bicycle is black with neon green stickers. While on scene, the man got into a verbal disorder with his grandmother. Police stayed on scene while the man gathered his belongings and left the residence.
601 Walnut Street:
Garrett Bittenbender was arrested on an active East Ridge warrant while at the Hamilton County Jail.
601 Walnut Street:
Shadericka Williams was arrested on an active East Ridge warrant while at the Hamilton County Jail.
1004 Floyd Drive:
Dustin Long was found to be squatting in the vacant duplex at this location. He was checked for warrants and released due to owners not wanting to issue a trespass warning.
5279 Reneau Way:
The resident reported that his vehicle was entered overnight. His iPhone cable and Bluetooth speaker were taken.
601 Walnut Street:
Mark Headrick was arrested on an active East Ridge warrant at the Hamilton County Jail.
921 Geswain Court:
The resident reported the burglary of their vehicle overnight. There was no forced entry.
5314 Greenbriar Road:
The resident reported the burglary of their vehicle overnight. There was no forced entry.
4329 Spriggs Street:
The resident reported the burglary of their vehicle overnight. There was no forced entry.
4300 Spriggs Street:
An area resident, on their morning walk, located a medium sized, gold colored zippered pouch containing a white and black cloth, a toothbrush holder with brush and pick, pocketknife and small notebook. The item was placed into the property and evidence intake room at the East Ridge Police Department.
2 Woodard Circle:
The resident reported that a worker from the property across the street backed their vehicle into her concrete wall prior to leaving the scene.
1020 Greenslake Road:
The owner of the house called after checking on his vacant rental property and discovering items inside indicating someone has been squatting at the property. There were no signs of forced entry. The owner was advised to change his locks.
406 Broughton Street:
Police responded to this location about a white male acting erratic and claiming people were after him. Contact was made with James Ware who stated he was in the process of walking to Virginia when an unknown male attempted to fight him resulting in him running for miles. It appeared Ware was under the influence of a stimulant and was transported by ambulance to Parkridge East at his own request.
Night Shift
409 Dunlap Avenue:
Police were called regarding a go-cart being driven on the roadway in the area. Police were unable to locate the go-cart.
1149 Tamarack Trail:
A caller stated that someone was using a backhoe at this address after city ordinance construction time allowed. Police asked the man to stop and he complied.
807 Belvoir Crest Drive:
A caller stated they lived across the street from this address and heard noises coming from the vacant house. Police checked the residence and it was secure.
3920 Ringgold Road:
An alarm was activated at the Dollar General. Police checked the building and it checked secure.
5301 Ringgold Road:
Daniel Tackett was arrested for aggravated assault and vandalism after allegedly holding a knife to the throat of a man and then fighting with him in the parking lot of the Walgreens, damaging a vehicle in the process.
5600 Ringgold Road:
Sharonda Hunt was cited for simple possession of marijuana.
4222 Ringgold Road:
The Speedway Convenience Store night shift manager reported that three (3) young males were shoplifting in the store. The male subjects left the scene on mountain bicycles traveling east on Ringgold Road. A witness confirmed the theft and provided a description of each subject. Police will follow-up with the store manager to view the surveillance videos and determine if a positive identification can be made.
4214 Ringgold Road:
Jaquan Suttles was arrested at the East Ridge Police Department on two (2) warrants for domestic assault and violating conditions of release. Mr. Suttles had prior knowledge of the arrest warrants and turned himself into police. Mr. Suttles was transported to the Hamilton County Jail at 601 Walnut Street.
5348 Greenbriar Road:
An anonymous person reported that a man was lying motionless outside the house at this address. Police found Allen Harwood sleeping on the front porch and woke him up. Mr. Harwood was found to have a warrant through Hamilton County, and he transported him to 601 Walnut Street.