The following information was provided from East Ridge Police Department “pass along” reports.
June 20– Day Shift
201 Eads Street:
The driver of a U-Haul van struck two (2) cars in the parking lot some time this morning and then left. Officers spoke with U-Haul personnel and the apartment manager to identify the driver. The driver later returned to the complex and was identified by officers. The driver said she thought it was the load shifting and not the truck striking two (2) vehicles. The driver was issued a citation.
3231 Castle Avenue:
Officers responded to 3221 Castle Avenue regarding a shots fired call. Officer spoke with witnesses who stated that she saw a man and a woman walking west on Castle Avenue in the 3200 block and both were arguing. When the couple reached the vicinity of 3216 Castle Avenue, the man reportedly presented a firearm and fired a round into the air. The pair fled west on foot from the area after the gun was discharged. Police located a .25 caliber shell casing in the roadway outside of 3216 Castle Avenue. Officers retrieved the casing and entered it into the property and evidence intake room at the police department.
6708 Ringgold Road:
An unknown woman entered the Circle K and distracted the clerk several times before grabbing a carton of cigarettes and fleeing in a silver Lexus SUV. The theft occurred around 12:40 am, but the clerk failed to notify police until this afternoon. According to the Circle K manager, the suspect has “hit” several other Circle K stores in the past few months.
Fast Access Healthcare:
Police spoke with a subject that was disgruntled about the care he was receiving and the inability of the staff to fill his prescriptions. The subject’s behavior made the staff concerned for their safety. Officers spoke with the subject and advised him that his business was no longer wanted by the facility. The subject refused to meet with officers for additional information.
1507 Rebecca Drive:
A man and woman on bicycles got into a heated verbal argument. The man struck the woman with his bicycle in order to make her stop and then struck her with a plastic bat. Based on evidence and statements of both subjects and the caller, the man was taken into custody for domestic assault.
June 20 – Night Shift
5318 Ringgold Road:
Police responded to a disorder at this location between Tony Chase and Rachel Stephens. Mr. Chase was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault after it was discovered that Mr. Chase struck Ms. Stephens with a small wooden bat. Mr. Chase was also served with two (2) East Ridge warrants for methamphetamine and schedule VI.
3920 Ringgold Road:
Police responded to the Dollar General after a customer advised the store was locked with the lights on and no one was coming to the door before the appointed closing time. East Ridge dispatch contacted the manager, who advised the store simply closed early.
6200 Ringgold Road:
Dylan Jones was served with a Hamilton County warrant for aggravated burglary following a traffic stop at this location.
4214 Ringgold Road:
Ronald Nichols was arrested on an East Ridge warrant.
2135 Dugan Street:
Units were sent for a driver hitting a garbage can and pulling a gun on the can owner when confronted about the incident.
6000 Welworth Avenue:
Elisha Daugherty was stopped for no tag light. She was found to be driving on a revoked driver license.
3600 Altamira Drive:
A citizen called to report a man wearing a white t-shirt walking in the area. Police were unable to locate anything.
500 Spring Creek Road:
A caller reported seeing two (2) people pass through his yard. Police saw two (2) males on bicycles in the 600 block of South Moore Road. The subjects dropped the bicycles and ran into the back yard of one of the houses. The subjects were not seen again.
June 21 – Day Shift
537 Wando Drive:
The resident reported his vehicle getting burglarized overnight. The victim’s Mr. wallet and cash was taken.
5534 Clemons Road:
A man at the address was transported to the hospital after he was found hitting himself in the head with a brick.
6626 Ringgold Road:
Jonathan Goggins, employee of Lumenos Technologies Inc., called police to report a former employee stealing two (2) company credit cards after being terminated.
June 21 – Night Shift
728 Frawley Road:
A caller requested for police to be present when she returned home to get some belongings from her apartment. She advised she had gotten into an argument with her son earlier in the day and wanted to avoid another argument. No incident occurred while police were on scene.
6725 Ringgold Road:
An employee from the Family Dollar called police due to a suspicious person inside the store. The person walked around inside the store for about an hour without buying anything. The person left for a short time and then returned. When the person returned, he began to open packages of headphones. The person was asked several times to leave by employees before he eventually complied with their request. Officers were unable to locate the person in the area. He was described as a younger male wearing a blue shirt, jeans, a bandana, and a camouflage backpack.
6708 Ringgold Road:
An employee from the Circle K called and said that a man was causing a disorder and would not leave. Officers contacted the man later identified as Marcus Faulkner. Mr. Faulkner told police he left his backpack behind the Circle K and thought the employees had taken it. Mr. Faulkner was issued a criminal trespass notification for the Circle K property.
706 S. Sweetbriar Avenue:
The resident advised that his truck was broken into between 11:00 pm on June 20th and 6:00 am on June 21st. The only thing missing was his wallet.
514 Wando Drive:
Two residents reported that their vehicles were burgled between 8:00 pm on June 20th and 8:00 am on June 21st.
3302 Navajo Drive:
Jermarco Parker was issued a misdemeanor citation for simple possession after police encountered him sitting in his car, which he lives in, on the side of the apartments.
4131 Ringgold Road:
Dustin Long and Haley Marshall were arrested for drug paraphernalia after the youth pastor found them hiding in the freezer at Jones Memorial Church.
1146 Chippewah Drive:
Police responded to a suspicious activity call near the intersection of South Seminole Drive and Gail Drive. Officers then went to 1146 Chippewah Drive to meet the reporting party. At the residence police met with a female and detected the odor of alcoholic beverage on her breath. Officers then determined that the woman was experiencing a possible psychotic episode. The female subject was transported by EMS to the hospital for further evaluation.
John Ross Road/Bennett Road:
Officers cleared a small tree that had fallen into the roadway.
June 22 – Day Shift
4206 -A Bennett Road:
Police responded to this location after two (2) female parties called to report that the other made blanket threats to kill everyone in the residence. Police spoke with the callers and other people on scene, who advised that the comments made by one of the females was done so following an argument in the residence over the use of a truck. The other parties involved stated that they did not believe that female making threats was serious in her comments and felt that it was something that stemmed from one of her sixteen multiple personalities. The female making threats was transported from the scene to a U-Haul facility and advised to contact police if she decided to return to get her belongings.
815 Summit Avenue:
A female subject reported that an unknown, disembodied, male voice was stalking her and threatening her from the roof of her residence for the past two (2) years. With the woman’s permission, police checked the residence but did not locate the source of any male voices. Officers offered to transport the caller to obtain a mental health evaluation, but she declined and asked for police to leave.
3900 Ringgold Road:
Danny Shirley was arrested for driving on a revoked license.
6519 Ringgold Road:
A woman called police after discovering a one-year old male playing unattended in a puddle in the parking lot of Wally’s Restaurant. She brought the child to the lobby of the Super 8 and called police. Once on scene, police located the juvenile’s distraught mother and returned the child to her. Apparently, the child was able to slip out of their room while they slept.
June 22 – Night Shift
6728 Ringgold Road:
An alarm was activated at Camping World after a thunderstorm rolled through the area. Nothing out of the ordinary was discovered.
Ringgold Road / Spring Creek Road:
A large piece of metal was removed from the roadway following a thunderstorm that passed through the area.
941 Spring Creek Road:
A call was received to respond to Parkridge East hospital regarding an intoxicated man that walked out prior to being discharged. Officers arrived on scene and assisted the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office deputy take the man back to the hospital.
4214 Ringgold Road:
Jeremy jones was arrested on East Ridge warrants for theft under $1,000 and aggravated burglary.
302 Dunlap Avenue:
Police received a call regarding ten 20-year old males fighting in the parking lot of the apartment complex. Police responded to the scene and discovered that all the people had left the scene.
600 Belvoir Avenue:
Police assisted motorists with traffic control near a dangerous curve until a tow service could arrive.
John Ross Road / Bennett Road:
Police assisted the East Ridge Street Department with the removal of a tree located in the roadway.
John Ross Road/Bennett Road:
Police assisted motorists with traffic control while a broken-down vehicle was moved out of a busy road intersection.
3657 Ringgold Road:
Police responded to an unknown 911 call. On Scene, police found that the 911 call was accidental after the front desk clerk misunderstood a tenant’s phone message informing her that she had just returned from the hospital.
3508 Claremont Avenue:
Police assisted the East Ridge Street Department with the removal of a tree that was blocking the roadway.
5301 Marion Avenue:
The resident called police because her daughter’s boyfriend, Jason Beaty, came home angry and began to argue with her. Mr. Beaty appeared to be intoxicated. The complainant told police that Mr. Beaty had driven his truck into her vehicle twice while she was inside the vehicle. The damage on both vehicles was consistent with what the complainant told police. Mr. Beaty was charged with aggravated domestic assault.
300 Camp Jordan Parkway:
A traffic stop was initiated on Zackery Yost after police observed him driving with no headlights activated. Field sobriety tests were conducted. Mr. Yost was taken into custody and charged with DUI.
5517 Ringgold Road:
A customer called dispatch to advise they found a glass door for one of the dryers shattered. Dispatch and the alarm company were unable to get in touch with the owner.
913 Stateline Road:
Donte Terry was arrested for aggravated domestic assault after assaulting a woman.
5700 Ringgold Road:
Benjamin Gonzalez was arrested for driving under the influence following a traffic stop at this location.
June 23 – Day Shift
1518 Prigmore Road:
Ralph Foster II was arrested for aggravated domestic assault after pulling a pair of scissors on his son, and threatening to “gut him like a fish.” He was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
1119 McBrien Road:
A driver ran their vehicle off the road and struck a resident’s mailbox. Prior to police arriving on scene, the driver and the homeowner worked out an agreement to repair the damage.
3713 Ringgold Road:
Police responded to a dog left in a vehicle. It was found the car was running and the air conditioning was on.
June 23 – Night Shift
6006 Ringgold Road:
Police were dispatched to the Party Mart regarding a disorder. Dispatch advised there was a male subject throwing things inside the store. Police contacted the party, later identified as Timothy Ingle. Mr. Ingle was in the corner of the store with soda bottles and other items near him in the floor. The reporting party, Ashok Jethva, told police that Ingle was chased into the store by another male subject. Ingle told police that he is a drug user and had used meth earlier in the day. Ingle was taken into custody for public intoxication. Another male subject, later identified as Anthony Brown, arrived on scene and advised that he was the one who chased Ingle into the store. Brown said that Ingle was his boyfriend. Brown advised they were both at a residence on Prigmore Road. Brown had left the residence and returned to find Ingle not acting normal. Brown advised that Ingle began to run down Ringgold Road until he arrived at the Party Mart. Ingle was transported to the Hamilton County jail without further incident.
5080 South Terrace:
An unknown male subject in his early 30s used a counterfeit $100 bill to purchase two (2) movie tickets.
1500 McBrien Road:
Joel Jarnagin was arrested for driving on a revoked license, reckless driving, and criminal impersonation after police observed him driving a 1994 GMC traveling east on Ringgold Road with no headlights, but instead a flashlight in place of the headlights.