The following information was compiled from East Ridge Police Department “pass along” reports.
October 24– Day Shift
700 blk of Germantown Road-
Shots Fired- The caller advised she heard 8 to 9 shots from two different caliber firearms in the area. Police responded but didn’t locate anything.
4016 Wade Drive-
Animal Call- The caller advised she was attacked by a German Shepard living at this address. She advised this is an ongoing issue. Police responded with animal control.
6105 Bermuda Terrace-
Burglary- Upon arrival police spoke to the resident. He advised he left his residence around 1630 hours yesterday. Upon his arrival today at 0800 hours, he noticed his white Emerson microwave was missing and the heater was set on high. The resident stated he noticed two windows were unlocked in a rear bedroom and feels the suspect entered through there. Outside one of the windows, The resident found a white bucket flipped upside down which he suspects the offender used to enter the house.
3716 Weldon drive-
Follow Up- Officers identified the driver of the burgundy van that fled a traffic stop yesterday. Warrants are being issued on Shane Keller for driving without a license and evading.
332 Cedar Glenn Circle-
Theft- Upon arrival officers spoke with a woman in reference to the unlawful use of 6 stolen checks from her mailbox. The woman stated she placed 6 signed checks in her mailbox for various bills on Monday, the 14th. The victim was not aware of the theft until yesterday when she received notice from her insurance provider threatening to cancel her policy due to lack of payment. She contacted Com-Trust Credit Union and discovered that none of the 6 checks have cleared, until today. There a currently no suspects.
6511 Slater Road-
Wellbeing Check- The caller advised of two juveniles riding a scooter in the parking lot. Upon arrival the juveniles were gone.
450 block of South Moore Road-
Traffic Stop/Misdemeanor Citation- Kristopher Brown was issued a citation for simple possession following a traffic stop.
October 24 – Night Shift
1900 McBrien Road / Mental Health:
Police were dispatched to the area to check on a female party that was seen walking in the street. The female advised that she was speaking to God using her phone. She also advised that she had drank a lot of vodka and wanted to harm herself. She was transported to Parkridge East Hospital for a mental health evaluation.
1479 N. Mack Smith Road / Unwelcome Person:
Unit sent for a male wrapped in a blanket sleeping on the sidewalk next to the building. The male was asked to not sleep on the sidewalk. At the request of management, The man was told to move on and not return.
6708 Ringgold Road / Shoplifting:
A male and a female stole $43.87 of lottery tickets. Video available.
4300 Ringgold Road / Possession:
Calvin Davenport was issued a misdemeanor citation for simple possession following a traffic stop.
14 Laurel Lane / Auto Theft Recovery:
Police responded on a report of a suspicious vehicle parked outside an abandoned house. Upon arrival, police ran the vehicle tag which came back as reported auto theft vehicle out of Chattanooga. Vehicle was towed by Broome’s Wrecker where it is located for possible further processing. Vehicle was removed from NCIC.
October 25 – Day Shift
6701 Ringgold Road (criminal trespass):
Kyla Jackson was arrested for criminal trespass after refusing multiple commands to vacate the property. She was transported to 601 Walnut Street.
5721 Ringgold Road (suspicious person):
Police responded to this location regarding a white male talking to trash cans and dancing in the middle of Ringgold Road. Police located David Vineyard in the 5900 block of Ringgold Rd. Mr. Vineyardhad an outstanding county warrant for domestic assault and was transported to jail without incident.
3715 Ringgold Road (criminal trespass):
Henry Edwards entered Food City and ate $13 of food without the ability to pay for it. He was confronted by management and called a friend to come pay for the food. Upon receiving payment management requested Edwards be criminally trespassed from the store.
Hurst Street at Floyd Drive (trespassing):
Management of the construction of the soccer complex provided police with security footage of an unknown man crossing over their gate and walk off toward the heavy equipment. The white male was wearing mud boots, blue jeans and a blue hoodie. Management is requesting an extra watch for the area.
900 block Stateline Road:
A resident’s seventeen year old daughter reported being raped on 10/04/2019 between the hours of 1600-1800 hours by two juvenile males known to the victim. CPS and CID are aware of the allegations.
October 25– Night Shift
3801 Daniel (shots Fired):
Police were dispatched to this location regarding hearing shots fired. Police made contact with residents who admitted to using fireworks to blowup pumpkins. Police informed all parties concerning shooting fireworks off in city limits.
4222 Ringgold Rd (Traffic Stop):
Emmala Henry was issued a misdemeanor citation for driving while suspended following a stop at this location for expired registration.
I-75 Northbound, Welcome Center (Disorder):
Reporting party stated that an 18-wheeler was blocking traffic way in the Welcome Center and the driver refused to move his vehicle. Upon arrival, police determined that the tractor trailer had left the scene and traffic was moving as normal in the Welcome Center.
1500 Waterhouse St:
Pedro Garcia Gonzalez was arrested for driving on revoked. Joaquin Bindrez was issued a misdemeanor citation in leu of arrest for simple possession of marijuana following a traffic stop at this location.
October 26 – Day Shift
3160 BIMINI PLACE Apt# 100 (robbery of person):
A man stated he was robbed by two men. The man told police a dark grey Audi sedan with dark tented windows and black rims with low profile tires pulled up behind his vehicle as he was trying to back out of his parking space. The man stated two men came up to his vehicle, and one approached him with a handgun. The man stated one male wearing a grey shirt with a long black logo centered in the front of the shirt and black jeans. The victim stated the male pointed the gun at his chest and told him to get out of the car. The victim stated the male then patted him down and found his wallet and took it. The victim stated that the other male was wearing a red hoodie and jeans and that both men searched the vehicle including the trunk area. The victim stated the two men also took his red i-Phone XR and black i-Phone 7 plus.

515 S. Seminole Road (property damage):
A tree fell on this house and damaged the roof. No one was injured.
4214 Ringgold Road (warrant service):
Jesse McNeese was taken into custody for Alias Capias (driving on suspended) after being surrendered to police by Huckabee Bonding.
October 26 – Night Shift
3715 Ringgold Rd (Warrant service):
Ronald Saxton was arrested on Hamilton County warrants following a traffic stop at this location.
3210 Castle Ave (noise):
Large Halloween party at this address. Homeowner was advised to keep the music down and people inside.
5611 Ringgold Rd (SIA/FI):
A man was found sleeping on the sidewalk in front of Home Plate. He was advised he could not be sleeping here and move on.
3300 Ringgold Road/Arrest:
John Payne was arrested on a traffic stop after the vehicle he was driving displayed a stolen license plate and a stolen decal. Mr. Payne was in possession of 13.30 grams of methamphetamine, a used syringe and a spoon with methamphetamine residue.
October 27 – Day Shift
214 Frawley Road (auto burglary):
A woman reported that sometime between 1530 hours on 10/25/19 and 1338 hours on today’s date an unknown suspect(s) entered her 2016 Ford Explorer and stole a black Walther P22 .22 cal.
3725 Fountain Avenue Apt. 81 (auto burglary):
The resident reported that his vehicle was entered overnight and his TomTom GPS and a blue tooth speaker were taken.
3568 Pinellas Lane (auto burglary):
The resident reported that his unlocked vehicle was entered overnight and that a child’s booster seat was stolen. The booster seat was discarded on S. Germantown Road and later found by the victim.
3630 Fountain Avenue (auto burglary):
The resident reported her Jeep, which had been left unlocked, had been entered sometime between the evening of 10/25 and the afternoon of 10/27. Nothing was taken.
October 27 – Night Shift
801 Harris Ln. (Medical):
Police were dispatched to this location regarding an elderly male who had fallen and was being very agitated with his spouse. East Ridge Fire and EMS arrived on scene. EMS transported patient to Memorial Hospital.
601 Walnut St. (warrant svc):
Charles Albert Hudson was taken into custody and served with an East Ridge warrant at the Hamilton County Jail, for driving on revoked.
601 Walnut St. (warrant svc):
Ashley Marie Foster was taken into custody and served with an East Ridge warrant at the Hamilton County Jail, for alias capias possession of drug paraphernalia.
3220 Gleason Dr, Apt 52 (Apartment Fire):
Police and fire responded to a fire at the Ridge View Apartments. Keishla Caperton, the responsible party for Apt 52, stated that she was cooking French fries when the top of the stove became engulfed in flames. Jamaal Williams, from Apt 53 realized there was a fire and obtained a fire extinguisher located in the breezeway. Williams then extinguished the fire, thereby containing the damage to Apartment 52.
549 Benson Dr/Aggravated Domestic Assault/D.U.I 2nd offense:
Jamere Mclain was arrested at the Circle K after dispatch advised of a gold Mercedes leaving a domestic disorder. Police located the vehicle traveling west on Ringgold Road. Mr. Mclain was arrested for DUI 2nd offense and resisting arrest at the Circle K. While police were on scene at Benson Dr, police observed video footage where Mr. Mclain struck his wife causing her to fall on the hood of the vehicle as it continued forward striking a second vehicle and then coming to rest into the garage door.