The following information was culled from East Ridge Police Department “pass along” reports.
Oct. 15 Day Shift
201 Hilldale Drive-
Suspicious Person- The caller advised of a male walking in the area that looked confused. Upon police arrival the male was nowhere to be found.
5512 Ringgold Road unit 108 (M&K Consulting)-
Alarm- Upon arrival police checked the business and it appeared secure.
3625 Weldon Drive-
Animal Call- Police were dispatched with animal control regarding a German Shepard running loose in the neighborhood. Animal control handled the call before police arrival.
3720 Anderson Avenue-
Animal Call- Police were dispatched with animal control regarding and aggressive dog in the area. Upon arrival officers located a puppy that appeared to be very friendly. The dog’s owners were located.
5 Belvoir Hills Circle-
Back Fire- Police responded with fire regarding a fall victim. Upon arrival fire handled the call.
955 State Line Road-
Suspicious People- Catoosa County called and advised of two males riding/pushing a dirt bike in the area and being suspicious. Upon arrival no one was located.
6104 North Mack Smith Road (Dialysis Clinic)-
Alarm- Police responded and found the alarm to be accidental.
1321 Coleman Circle-
Suspicious Vehicle- The caller advised of a silver or white Nissan sitting in front of her house. Upon arrival the vehicle was gone.
1417 Saint Thomas Street (Motel 6)-
Vehicle Burglary/Credit Card Fraud (delayed)- On this date Annika W. spoke with officers at ERPD regarding a stolen wallet and its contents. Annika said she last saw her wallet in her vehicle around 2230 hours Friday night, 10-11-19 at the Motel 6 on Ringgold Rd. She discovered it missing today, around 0930. She stated she had left the car windows down and the doors unlocked. Since contacting her bank to freeze her account and issue new cards, the woman was informed that during the time since the wallet was stolen, there had been two charges on her credit union bank card. The card was charged at the Speedway on Brainerd Rd and the Sunoco at 3918 Ringgold Rd, on 10-14-19 at 1737 hours. Video at the Sunoco recorded a white male in a dark shirt and khaki shorts, short hair, come in and purchase a few items then leave in what appears to be a red truck. The woman said she does not recognize the suspect or the truck. The clerk said he believes the suspect is a regular customer.
East End Avenue (Woods)-
Suspicious Activity- David Evans, Katie McCary, Derek Moust, and Angie Goodwin were encountered in the woods behind Ridgewood Village. Due to the large amount of trash they had accumulated, three were charged with Aggravated Criminal Littering and transported to 601. David Evans ran from officers before he could be detained. Warrants will be sought for Evans.
6116 Ringgold Road (J&J Food Mart)-
AOA Warrant Service- Meagan Herrera was detained on Georgia warrants following a consensual encounter. She was transporter to 601.
5312 Dupont Street-
Auto Theft- The caller advised she wished to file a delayed theft report on her vehicle. Upon speaking with her it was found her vehicle was stolen from an address in Chattanooga.
1031 John Ross Road-
Disorder- The caller advised of a verbal disorder with a female refusing to leave the property. Upon police arrival the female left the area.
Night Shift
McBrien Road/ Ringgold Road:
Accident Unknown Injuries: Police and EMS responded to the intersection of McBrien Road and Ringgold Road in an attempt to locate a reported traffic collision with unknown injuries. Police searched the area in all directions from the intersection but was unable to locate the vehicles involved. Police spoke with the RP whom stated that a red truck collided with a silver sedan and the red truck sustained heavy damage. No vehicles or victims were located.
5408 Weaver Street/ Domestic Disorder:
Police responded to investigate a disorder. Upon arrival police spoke with a woman who stated that Hermelinda NizChilel threw a flower pot filled with potting soil and aloe vera plant at her. Both parties resided at this location and after police examined the scene and gathered the statements, police determined that Hermelinda NizChilel was the primary aggressor and was taken into custody. Ms. NizChilel was transported to the Hamilton County Jail and charged with Domestic Assault.
941 Spring Creek Road/ Theft from a vehicle:
Police responded to Parkridge East Hospital to investigate a theft from a vehicle that was parked in the lot for a day and a half while the owner was admitted. The victim told police that he came out today to check his 2001 white Ford F150 and noticed that his 6” x 6” orange “T” magnetic decal was removed from his truck. The victim had no suspect information on who may have stolen his decal and stated that the value of the loss is approximately $15.
941 Spring Creek Rd / Disorder:
Police responded to this location at the request of hospital staff for violent patient. After arriving it was determined Rashaun Brown was going to be taken into custody for disorderly conduct. During officer’s attempt to take Brown into custody he became aggressive and violent asking officers to kill him. After a brief struggle, Brown was tased and police took Brown into custody and subsequently charged him with resisting arrest.
400 McBrien Rd. / Suicidal Threats:
Police assisted in controlling traffic, crowds, and media at this location while officers from CPD and ERPD were talking a suicidal party from the ledge of the overpass. Police were able to convince the individual to leave the ledge and come to safety and was taken to Parkridge East for evaluation.
3100 Ringgold Rd. / Tunnels: Interstate –
I-24 was shut down for several hours for a suicidal party on the McBrien Road over pass. Due to this, police assisted several semi-trucks in getting turned around from the tunnels, one of which required the use of a wrecker after becoming lodged inside the tunnel.
Broad St at MLK BLVD / Disorder:
While in transit to East Ridge from the Hamilton County Jail police observed a white male dragging a white female while she was screaming to be left alone. Police made contact with the parties and notified CPD of the incident. The outcome is unknown. East Ridge turned the investigation over to CPD and returned to East Ridge.