The following information is courtesy of the East Ridge Police Department. It was compiled from “pass along” reports that are done for each shift.
May 13 – Day Shift
3505 Maple Lane:
Ethan Jensen was arrested at his home in execution of a warrant for filing false police reports.
6200 Ringgold Road:
An alarm was activated at Taco Bell. Police arrived on scene and found employees returning to work. The alarm had been activated accidentally.
2181 Dugan Street:
Police were dispatched to this location regarding a man and woman said to be suspicious in the neighborhood. Officers responded and spoke with a man and a woman. They advised they were on their way to the home of a friend where they had been staying.
1408 North Smith Street:
A caller advised police that their garbage can was stolen.
6935 Glen Errol Way:
Police responded to the scene after a person was found deceased by family friends. Officers were able to identify the decedent. The doctor of the decedent agreed to sign the death certificate.
1501 Tombras Avenue:
An alarm was activated at the old McBrien School. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm.
4214 Ringgold Road:
A woman reported to police that she had received a couple of scam emails. She said she received emails on May 9th while at the Wendy’s Restaurant in East Ridge. She said the email was a request for her to send money or private information about her would be sent to her friends. The woman stated that the email claimed that she had been visiting pornography internet sites and that the proof of her alleged actions would be released unless payment was sent via Bitcoin. The woman provided police with the emails she received from email address [email protected] and [email protected]. She said she did not respond to the emails or send payment. She did state that she found the emails in her spam folder and that one of the emails she received had her actual password listed.
1000 Bass Pro Drive:
Clinton Wilborn was observed by officers and loss prevention staff. Mr. Wilborn was observed switching product packaging and concealing items on his person. He was charged with theft over $1,000.00 and for resisting arrest.
601 Walnut Street:
Tamara Douglas was served with an active warrant while at the Hamilton County Jail.
4214 Ringgold Road:
A woman advised police that she was at the laundromat, located at 5517 Ringgold Road, on May 9th around 9:30 am. She said that she allowed her ex-boyfriend to retrieve his clothing from the trunk of her vehicle where she keeps her SCCY CPX2 9mm handgun. The woman stated that while her ex-boyfriend was grabbing his clothing, he took her weapon and now will not return it. The woman stated that she has called her ex-boyfriend several times and each of those times he has denied possessing the firearm. Police contacted the ex-boyfriend via telephone and asked him for the weapon and he stated that he did not have it. Per the woman, her ex-boyfriend is a convicted felon and that is why he will not admit to having the weapon. The weapon has been entered in NCIC as stolen.
May 13 – Night Shift
5418 Ringgold Road:
Criminal warrants are being sought for Anthony Mullis after he was found in possession of methamphetamine and ate a bag of what was suspected to be methamphetamine. Mr. Mullis was transported to the hospital after ingesting the dangerous substance.
5347 Greenbriar Road:
A person was transported to the Joe Johnson Mental Health Facility for assistance.
6504 Burr Street:
Police responded to this address after a mother allegedly threw food onto her son during an argument. Both subjects agreed to separate for the evening.
1314 South Seminole Drive:
The complainant called police and stated there was a bicycle across the street from this location on someone else’s property against some bushes. Police checked the bicycle and it did not come back stolen.
3920 Ringgold Road:
Police were dispatched to a disorder at this location. A man left walking east on Ringgold Road. Police located a female party at the Save-A-Lot. She advised there was no disorder, but she was just getting some property back from the man.
700 block Belvoir Avenue:
Police were dispatched to a crash at his location. A vehicle was traveling north on Belvoir Avenue and ran off the road striking a street sign and tree. The vehicle owner, called KC Wrecker to have the vehicle towed.