The following information was provided by East Ridge Police Department “pass along” reports.
June 12 Day Shift
6650 Ringgold Road:
Nathan Coker was taken into custody on a Catoosa County warrant after police encountered him at the La Quinta Inn while responding to a suspicious person call. Once at the jail, he was evaluated by the jail nurse and an ambulance was called for Mr. Coker. He was released from custody.
1441 North Smith Street:
Jessica Vaughn was criminally trespassed from the Holiday Inn Express after staff smelled marijuana coming from her room.
5418 Ringgold Road:
A field interview was conducted on Brian B. and Tabitha Q. after they were observed on the lot of the Apollo Car Wash with their bicycle. They advised both bicycles had broken down and they were in the process of repairing them.
918 Donaldson Road:
Police assisted Crisis Response as they interviewed a woman at this location due to erratic behavior observed by the woman’s mother. A CON was obtained, and she was transported to the hospital.
6805 Martha Avenue:
The resident called police after receiving two (2) anonymous letters from the East Ridge Community Team Watch stating she will regularly be reported to Codes Enforcement until fined due to the condition of her property located at 212 Eads Street. The resident has contacted East Ridge Codes Enforcement personnel and they are not familiar with the group or any complaints about her property.
1516 Waterhouse Street:
Police assisted with an evaluation conducted by an employee from Johnson Mental Health on a person at this location. Eventually, it was determined that the person needed additional mental and physical help and she was transported by ambulance to the hospital.
Night Shift
3608 Fountain Avenue:
The female complainant at this address stated she was upset with the way David Metcalf treated his father. She said the two (2) were arguing in the living room and she did not like it. David told police he was arguing with his father due to him driving the complainant to pick up methamphetamine. David said he feels like the woman uses his father and takes advantage of him. David said he felt it was disrespectful to him because he buys his methamphetamine from the complainant after she uses his father to drive her to get it. Police advised him to stop arguing with his father.
1115 Edwin Lane:
A caller stated that a white SUV was stopping at houses on their street. They said two (2) men were in the vehicle and did not known what they were doing. Police were unable to locate the SUV.
3920 Bennett Road::
Police responded to a residential alarm that was activated. The homeowner gave the wrong alarm code, but everything was okay.
3608 Fountain Avenue:
David Metcalf was arrested for domestic violence after he became belligerent and drunk inside the residence. He kept banging on the complainant’s door. When the complainant went to use the bathroom, he balled his fists up and stared at her in an intimidating way. She said she feared he was going to physically harm her. He was also charged with resisting arrest.
5740 Ringgold Road:
A field interview was conducted with a woman after she was seen going through items at the Goodwill Donation Center. She was checked for warrants and told to conduct business during business hours.
5725 Ringgold Road:
The caller advised that a man and woman were arguing inside a silver Trailblazer at this location. Police contacted two people at this location. They advised police that their battery was dead on their vehicle. A field interview was completed.
941 Spring Creek Road:
A yellow 2009 Mitsubishi Eclipse was taken from the parking lot at Parkridge East Hospital. The owner advised that he left his keys on the ledge outside the emergency room. The owner said he saw the vehicle being driven out of the parking lot just prior to calling for police assistance.
5315 Ringgold Road:
The caller advised that she thought she heard someone underneath her home. Police checked the inside of the home as well as the crawl space and were unable to locate anyone.
505 South Moore Road:
The caller advised he was in the parking lot changing his flat tire when he noticed a blue truck being parked next to him. He said he called police because he felt uneasy with the vehicle being there. The truck was gone prior to police arrival on scene.