The following information was compiled from East Ridge Police Department “pass along” reports.
December 23 – Day Shift
3631 Glen Oaks Drive- Warrant Service-
Martin Samples was taken into custody on an active East Ridge warrant (Docket 129167). Samples was transported to the Hamilton County jail.
2011 Tombras Avenue- Suspicious Activity-
The caller advised an unknown male was observed by his five-year-old son tampering with the bedroom window screen around 0500 this morning. Upon arrival police spoke with the caller and his son. Per the child, he observed “a large robot with long claws” attempting to remove the window screen. Officers also checked the screen which appeared to be intact and installed correctly.
13 Belvoir Circle- Warrant Service-
Christopher Randolph was arrested on an East Ridge warrant 131210/ Petition to revoke. He was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
3106 Mason Drive- Warrant Service-
Rebecca Rodgers was served with an East Ridge Alias/Capias warrant for possession of heroin. She was transported to the Hamilton County Jail for booking.
1316 West End Avenue- Miscellaneous Complaint-
The caller advised her neighbor was forced by the city to install a sump pump on their property. The pump appears to have been installed in such a way that has the water draining onto the caller’s property. She was advised to contact City Hall.
5408 Ringgold Road (Valero)- Auto Theft-
The resident called to report the theft of her gray 2015 GMC Denali (0M77F2). The suspect is a black male wearing black clothing and gold shoes. The vehicle was last observed traveling east on Ringgold Road.
December 23 – Night Shift
6727 Ringgold Road (Wendy’s) / Alarm:
Police responded to an alarm triggered in the drive through of the restaurant. Upon arrival, police spoke to a delivery driver that stated he did not have access to inside the building. When Police check the doors, they found an open door to inside the restaurant on the drive through side. The door was propped open by the rug lying in the doorway. Police cleared the building and requested for a responsible party to reset the alarm and secure the door. The district manager arrived on scene and stated that nothing seemed to be missing. She reset the alarm, secured the door, and departed the scene.
6 Woodard Circle / Vehicle Recovery:
Police were called to this location in reference to a suspicious vehicle. The reporting party came home and stated he did not know who the vehicle belonged to, that was parked in his driveway. The GMC Denali was reported stolen, earlier in the day from 5408 Ringgold Rd. The victim was able to come and pick up the vehicle from this location. The vehicle was not damaged according to the victim. There is no suspect information at this time.
December 24 – Day Shift
4121 Ringgold Road (Cash Express)- Armed Robbery-
A black male wearing a black hoody and a white ski mask entered the business brandishing an older looking revolver and demanding cash. The employee handed over the bank bag. The suspect then fled the scene on foot toward the rear of the building. Police were on scene within one minute, but the suspect was successful in his evasion. CID responded and processed the scene. There is video footage of the incident.
1417 Mack Smith Road (East Ridge Retirement Center)- Walk Off-
A resident walked off from the center without an escort today. He was located at the McDonald’s in a confused state. He was transported back to the retirement center.
4338 Ringgold Road- Suspicious Vehicle-
Police checked a 2001 Blue Land Rover Range Rover after it was observed in the top of the parking lot, being unlocked and missing a registration. The vehicle was found to be not stolen and came back to Cash America at 4340 Ringgold Road.
800 Belvoir Ave – Suspicious Person/Theft/Assist Other Agency –
Police made a consensual encounter with Nikki Heather Nicole Parson (w/f) and Billy Joe Whitefield Jr (w/m) of 3414 Clayton Ave Ext as they were walking along the roadway. After receiving consent from the parties, police checked their belongings and located several items of drug paraphernalia, ID’s that did not belong to them, and mail belonging to 905 Belvoir Ave. Upon speaking with the resident of 905 Belvoir Ave, it was determined that Whitefield had removed the items from the mailbox at that location and possibly several other mailboxes. Whitehead was taken into custody for the theft. A check of Parson’s information found a warrant through HCSO and she was subsequently detained and then transported to 601 Walnut St to be served with the warrant.
941 Spring Creek Rd- Stolen Vehicle Recovery –
Police responded to this location after the owner of a 2009 Black Scion XB (TN Tag# 8G37R2) located their stolen vehicle in the parking lot of the hospital. The vehicle had been reported stolen in Sequatchie County and the suspect was already in custody. The owner was already on scene with a tow truck. Vehicle was removed from NCIC. NIC/V521646448
1618 John Ross Rd – Property Damage –
Caller advised an unknown maroon/red vehicle struck a traffic sign, telephone pole, and his mailbox and continued traveling toward Ringgold Rd. From the remains of the debris, the vehicle is possibly going to be a large maroon pickup and will be missing a passenger side running board and passenger side headlight and side mirror. The street department was notified about the sign and EPB was advised on the damage to the pole.
December 24– Night Shift
4214 Ringgold Road / Arrest:
Police were contacted at the department by a man who stated that he was assaulted by his son, James Waters. He stated that he punched him in the face and arm, while driving down McBrien Rd. and when he pulled into the police department for help his son ran west on Ringgold Rd. Police were able to catch the suspect. He was charged with Domestic Assault, Possession of Schedule V,VI,III. While on the way the jail Mr. Waters kicked out the rear window of unit 3 and received an additional charge of vandalism. The victim did not answer the door when police attempted to serve conditions of release at 3647 Missionaire Ave.
4016 Wonder Dr / Auto Burglary:
Police responded to this location in reference to an auto burglary. The reporting party described a male party to police and stated the subject had entered his vehicle and then attempted to enter his house. Once on scene police located a male party hiding behind a dog house on the north side of the property. The male party matched the suspect description and was identified by the victim. Police took the male juvenile into custody for auto burglary and transported him to Hamilton County Juvenile Detention Center.
3218 Gleason Drive, #39/Domestic Assault:
Tamicka B. and Lakesha M. Hill fought with Hill biting the face of Tamicka. Hill was arrested and transported to jail.
December 25 – Day Shift
Prigmore Road at Clemons Road (consensual encounter):
Police spoke with Sconda Teems who gave her information then refused to talk to police. Sconda left the area before dispatch confirmed she has an extraditable warrant through Catoosa County. Teems was last seen heading north on Prigmore Road on a bicycle and carrying two bags.
5300 Ringgold Road (warrant service):
James Ivey was arrested on a warrant through Bartow County following a traffic stop at this location. He was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
3700 Ringgold Road (arrest):
Steven Overby was arrested for possession of meth for resale and drug paraphernalia following a traffic stop at this location.
3584 Bennett Road (residential burglary):
The reporting party observed two black males enter this residence and carry out three televisions which were loaded into their black SUV. The suspects then fled at a high rate of speed. RP stated the property owner doesn’t reside at the address but rents it out as a bed and breakfast. The residence had a broken kitchen window and open sliding glass door. CID responded and processed the scene.
December 25 – Night Shift
323 Camp Jordan Pkwy (Narcotics):
Lakada Hood, was arrested for possession of schedule II following a traffic stop at this location.
5308 Clover St (back fire department/warrant):
Jordan Wilson, was arrested on a Collegedale warrant for FTA after he was found to be burning a shoe in the middle of the street.
735 A Germantown Cir. (parenting):
Police were dispatched to this location regarding an 8 YO and 6 YO being disrespectful. Police told the children Merry Christmas and left the scene.