The following information is courtesy of the East Ridge Police Department and compiled from its daily “pass along” reports.
Dec. 16 Day Shift
5408 Ringgold Road (warrant service):
David Fricks was taken into custody on Catoosa County warrants following a traffic stop at this location.
3623 Missionaire Avenue (theft):
The resident reported that the decal was stolen from her tag sometime overnight.
1900 McBrien Road (found property):
The resident came to the police department to turn in a wallet that he found on McBrien Rd. The owner was contacted and retrieved the item.
5517 Ringgold Road (public intoxication):
Shelly Moore was arrested at this location for public intoxication.
3725 Fountain Avenue (auto theft):
The complainant stated he allowed a white male with face tattoos and a nickname of Scooby to borrow his red 2018 Honda CBR on 11/26 which was never returned. The motorcycle was entered into NCIC as stolen. The bike was used in a felony evading with CPD today.
3700 Ringgold Road (misdemeanor citation):
Thomas Lee was issued a misdemeanor citation after police located several syringes, a metal spoon and aluminum wrappers with heroin residue inside his vehicle.
924 Spring Creek Road (found property):
An employee of Physician’s Surgery Center found a cash register in the parking lot of the business. It was placed into Property and Evidence.
Night Shift
1600 Springvale Road (Natural Hazard):
Due to heavy rain in the area, water levels rose significantly in the creek bed near the Springvale Park. At 0400 on 12-17-19, the water level was approximately two feet below the bridge on Springvale Road and water had crested over the lower banks of the creek. No flooding on the roadway was found, but the situation should be monitored until the water levels recede.
3623 Fountain Ave. (juveniles throwing rocks):
Police were dispatched to the Sweet Bay Apartments, regarding juveniles throwing rocks at passing cars. Upon arrival, police spoke with three juveniles who were throwing rocks at the maintenance containers. The juveniles stated they had quit throwing rocks and that they never threw rocks at any cars. Police instructed the juveniles concerning vandalism. No further police action taken.
718 S. Lovell St. (barking dog):
Police were dispatched to this location regarding a barking dog. Upon police arrival, the dog was found in a fenced back yard, and was barking continuously. Police made several attempts to get the homeowner to the door with no luck. Police had dispatch attempt to call the home with no answer. Police will email animal services.
817 Donaldson Road (Theft):
The complainant advised that he believes his American Bully dog was taken and is possibly in the area of the apartments at 3222 Gleason. The dog owner was in contact with an unknown party via phone that advised he saw his lost dog flyers and has seen the dog on Dodds Avenue. The dog owner advised that the same party texted him a picture of his dog and asked him if he has the Cash App. The dog owner believes that the unknown party has his dog and is seeking money in exchange for the dog. The dog in question is an American Bully breed that goes by the name “Kobe”. Kobe is approximately 55 pounds, 2YOA, dark gray coat with tan and white in the chest.