The following information was provided by East Ridge Police Department “pass along” reports.
August 01, 2019– Day Shift
950 Spring Creek Road:
Upon arrival contact was made with complainant. He advised that sometime during the night an unknown person entered the vehicle and went through his belongings. The complainant advised the only property missing was some loose change.
6514 Ringgold Road:
An alarm was activated at Mapco. Police responded and determined that the alarm had been activated accidentally.
801 Harris Lane:
The caller requested police check on a subject at this address. Upon arrival police spoke with the subject and his wife. She advised she would be taking him to the doctor.
948 Spring Creek Road:
An alarm was activated at Mr. Speedy. The alarm was determined to have been accidentally activated.
1131 McBrien Road:
The complainant advised that sometime between 9:00 pm on July 31st and 5:30 am on August 1st, his silver and black Glock 43 was removed from the center console of his 2015 black GMC Sierra. Upon checking the area no video of the incident could be located and there are no suspects. The pistol information was entered into NCIC.
6725 Ringgold Road:
Callie Hale was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. She also had a Hamilton County warrant for theft over $1,000. She was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
1314 South Seminole Drive:
An alarm was activated at this residence. Police checked the residence and it was secure.
1300 Laredo Avenue:
The complainant stated that he observed a heavy-set female driving a white Lincoln with “drive-out” tags dump a swatch of carpet on the roadway in front of his neighbor’s house. He wanted officers aware of the activity and requested extra traffic patrols in the late afternoon hours to curb speeding and reckless drivers.
S. Crest Road / Rose Terrace:
While returning from a Ridgeside patrol police were flagged down by an off-duty Collegedale Police Officer. The officer stated the vehicle in front of his on the roadway was occupied by an unconscious male driver and an unconscious female front seat passenger. Chattanooga Police were notified. Prior to the arrival of the Chattanooga Police Department, the male subject awoke and attempted to leave. He was immediately detained and held until CPD arrived on scene. Once both subjects were detained and CPD took control of the scene, officers returned to East Ridge. Clinton Scott was transported to the Hamilton County Jail by CPD.
5340 Ringgold Road:
Dispatch advised of a panic alarm at Pizza Hut. Upon arrival it was determined to be an accidental activation.
941 Spring Creek Road:
The caller advised of a suspicious male subject wrapped in a sheet walking in the area of the hospital. Police checked the area but located no one fitting the description.
4145 Ringgold Road:
Police responded to the Lomenacque Apartments regarding a missing juvenile. Upon arrival police attempted to locate a missing female juvenile out of Chickamauga, Georgia. The missing juvenile was in apartment 104 along with Joshua Vanderweide, her 29-year old boyfriend. Upon running Vanderweide’s information he was found to have an extraditable warrant out of Catoosa County for his recent probation violation. Vanderweide was placed into custody and transported to the Hamilton County Jail to await extradition. The juvenile was transported to the East Ridge Police Department where her grandfather responded and retrieved her. The juvenile was removed from NCIC as missing by the reporting agency.
August 01 – Night Shift
703 S. Lovell Avenue:
The complainant called police to file a report to document Brook P. driving away in his truck while he was in the shower. Brook is the mother of the complainant’s children and they both reside at this address. The complainant believes that Brook was headed to a friend’s house in Jasper, TN, but could not provide an address.
4214 Ringgold Road:
A warrant was served on Taylor Holmes at the Hamilton County Jail.
August 02 – Day Shift
1400 Boyd Street:
Police responded on a domestic assault involving Derrell Trimmier and his girlfriend. Following a verbal disorder Trimmier struck the victim several times on the head. Trimmier left the scene prior to police arrival, and a warrant was going to be taken out. A short time later police returned due to another disorder after Trimmier returned. Allegedly, he assaulted her a second time, but she had no marks on her. Trimmier was arrested and taken to the Hamilton County Jail.
3508 Ringgold Road:
Police were called after an unknown male subject walked out of the store with two packs of Crest 3D Whitening Strips without paying for the items. The strips were valued at $144.
1414 Millbro Circle:
The complainant met police at the East Ridge Fire and Police Service Center after learning that his stolen 2002 Hyundai Elantra might be at the above listed location. Police relocated to the address and contacted his ex-girlfriend and suspect in the theft, Tammy Snyder. The vehicle was not on scene; however, Ms. Snyder did state the vehicle was located at 6200 East Brainerd Road. An extraditable warrant through Walker County, Georgia for the vehicle theft was served on Ms. Snyder. She was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
826 Summit Avenue:
Police responded to this location after the complainant stated he received calls from a James Garrick claiming he had won a sweepstakes. The complainant refused to send money to Jamaica by Western Union and then called police to advise of the incident.
August 02 – Night Shift
Germantown Road /Frawley Street:
East Ridge Police assisted the Tennessee Highway Patrol and the Chattanooga Police Department during a traffic stop on Germantown Road. The stopped vehicle was found to be linked to a shooting at another location in Chattanooga.
3726 Fountain Avenue:
The complainant reported an attempted deceptive practice against him. The complainant stated that a female subject contacted him stating that she was with the Social Security Administration and there were warrants out for him. The complainant recognized the scam and hung up.
601 Walnut Street:
Russell Davis was arrested at the Hamilton County Jail for two (2) Alias Capias warrants through the City of East Ridge.
323 Camp Jordan Parkway:
Joseph Barry Yates was arrested for criminal trespass due to him being at Camp Jordan after being trespassed from this location.
5534-B Clemons Road:
William Burke was arrested for criminal trespass and stalking after returning to this address and causing the victim to become intimidated and scared.
6708 Ringgold Road:
Michael Bashaw and David Good were issued criminal trespass warnings after both were fighting in the parking lot. Mr. Good was arrested for public intoxication after refusing to find a ride home.
1500 Burns Avenue:
David Brewer was arrested for possession of meth, possession of schedule 2 controlled substance, possession of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
August 03 – Day Shift
5300 Roosevelt Road:
Police were called about a white truck possibly being used to haul off lumber form the construction site. The subjects were discovered to be with the construction company.
5300 Clemons Road:
Police responded to an unknown 911 call I the area. Nothing was located.
404 South Saint Marks Avenue:
Police responded to property damage at this location. The resident came outside this morning to find the driver side window of her Dodge truck smashed out. Nothing was missing or disturbed. Police were unable to determine if the damage was intentional.
4150 Monroe Street:
The complainant left her purse in a shopping cart after leaving the Walmart Neighborhood Market. Upon her return she discovered the purse was missing. Store security showed a female subject driving a silver Kia Soul taking the purse. A short time later, a jogger found most of the contents of the purse on the side of Germantown Road and turned it in to police. The recovered items were turned over to the complainant.
August 03 – Night Shift
I-75 NB Welcome Center:
The Walden Security guard advised that an older female subject in a gray Kia had been parked longer than two (2) hours at the rest stop. Williams attempted to enforce the TDOT two (2) hour policy and requested her to leave. The female refused and sat in her vehicle. Police arrived at the scene and the female subject quickly left before police could address the issue with her. The security at the location expected that she would return in the near future.
Aug 04 – Day Shift
3812 Altamira Drive:
A woman walked away from her group home. She was found walking back toward the home as police arrived on scene.
4320 Bennett Road:
Police were dispatched to the high school regarding a female subject walking her dogs on the baseball field. She and her dogs were gone prior to police arrival.
302 Dunlap Avenue:
Police were dispatched to the Seminole Path Apartments after a resident observed blood in the parking lot. Police followed the small trail of blood drops into the breezeway of apartment 11-20. Of all the tenants who answered the door, no one heard or saw anything.
6240 Airport Road:
Chattanooga Police took Julie Foster into custody and transported her to the Hamilton County Jail to be served with an active East Ridge warrant.
1714 Tombras Avenue:
A neighbor called stating that a former resident and known mental health consumer was on the property of the condemned residence. Police encountered the former resident and she was transported to Parkridge East Hospital for a mental health evaluation at the behest of her mother, who has power of attorney over her daughter.
1218 Marlboro Avenue:
The complainant reported on August 2nd the door to a storage shed at his deceased father’s house was vandalized. The complainant strongly suspects that his nephew is at fault as he has been sleeping in the backyard and was seen in the area shortly before the incident.
6712 Ringgold Road:
Police responded to a possible burglary of storage unit C76 after an employee found the lock removed and the hasp on the door damaged. Contact was made with the renter and it was determined nothing was missing or disturbed. The damage occurred sometime between June 25th and August 4th.
August 04 – Night Shift
1410 Mack Smith Road:
A caller stated that her Ford Taurus was on fire in the parking lot of the Budgetel. East Ridge Fire Department personnel and East Ridge Police arrived on scene to find a vehicle with an engine that overheated, but no fire was discovered.
1503 McDonald Road:
Jose Izaguirre Ventancur was arrested for possession of schedule 2 after he was in a disorder at this location. He was also arrested for two (2) East Ridge warrants.
1645 Key West Avenue:
Catoosa County deputies responded to a suspected disorder near the Key West Avenue/State Line Road intersection. East Ridge Police also responded to the location. The disorder was verbal only and the subjects had separated prior to ERPD arrival.
3100 Ringgold Road:
Police were called to a motor vehicle crash with unknown injuries after a white Nissan Pathfinder was observed wrecked in the tunnel. A passerby observed a male subject enter a white Tahoe and leave the area headed west into Chattanooga. The vehicle was towed by Cannon’s Wrecker Service.
3599 Bennett Road:
Police were called to the residence about a back window of a vehicle that had been busted out. Police could not locate any evidence supporting an act of vandalism. The reporting party stated she did not wish to file a report due to not having insurance on the vehicle.
Mason Drive/S. Seminole Drive:
Police attempted to stop a gold Pontiac Grand Prix in the 3100 block of Mason Drive. The driver turned around in the cul-de-sac and traveled east, almost striking a patrol vehicle. Police were able to identify the driver as a female. After police determined the vehicle was eluding, police deactivated lights and sirens and turned around. The vehicle was last seen traveling north on Westside Drive.