_ 4222 Ringgold Rd.: Police arrested Charles Sturdivant and charged him with Possession of Schedule I Drugs (ecstasy) after finding him passed out in his car at the gas pump at Speedway, Tuesday night. Hamilton County Jail records indicate Sturdivant is 46 and lives on Thompson Hill Road in Ringgold, Georgia.
_ 6116 Ringgold Rd.: According to a department “pass along” report, East Ridge police arrested Matthew Cohen after he fled from a vehicle during a traffic stop at this address, Tuesday evening. Officers managed to catch up with Cohen in the 1400 block of Prater Road. Cohen, 27, of a Scenic View Drive address in Ooltewah, was booked into the Hamilton County Jail on charges of Possession of Marijuana/Resale, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Resisting Arrest or Obstruction of Legal Process.
_ 3612 Gleason Dr.: Police were called to the Ridgeview Point apartment complex, Tuesday evening, on a reported stolen vehicle. According to a report, officers spoke with a female resident of the apartment who told them her 2008 Chevy Equinox was stolen sometime between 6 and 9 p.m. There were no witnesses or suspect information available. The vehicle was entered into a law enforcement data base and a BOLO was sent throughout Hamilton County.
_ 941 Spring Creek Rd.: Police were sent to Parkridge East on Tuesday to assist another agency. According to a “pass along” report, officers spoke with a 27-year-old man who arrived at the hospital with a gunshot wound. The man told police that he was at a construction site on the north end of Hamilton County when he began using a hammer to hit .22-cal. blanks that are used to drive nails into concrete. The report states that man told cops that he “wanted to see what would happen.” Upon impact one of the blanks struck his hand causing a small gash which required a few stitches. The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office was notified.
_ 5810 Welworth Ave.: Police responded to a residential fire at the address on Tuesday. According to a department report, when officers arrived they saw a chair engulfed in flames on a second-story wooden porch. Officer Darwin used a water hose and extinguished the fire before firefighters arrived. The owners told police that they had been smoking on the porch just before leaving the house a few minutes earlier.
_ 6708 Ringgold Rd.: Police were called to the Circle K on Tuesday after a customer vandalized the store. According to a department report, officers made contact with the customer, Doriam Mota, who was promptly arrested. Mota, 25, allegedly smashed the front glass door after becoming angry over cigarettes.