Aside from the rezoning of the 60 acres for the Red Wolves SC development, the East Ridge Planning Commission took the following actions.
The commission voted unanimously to rezone four acres of property at 3400 Ringgold Road for applicant Evan Greene to build a mixed-use development of retail stores, apartments, and townhouses.
The property was once the site of a business selling Jim Walter homes, but has been vacant for a number of years.
Greene told the board that he wanted to build apartment units on the second floor of retail businesses that would face Ringgold Road. He intends to build a number of 1,700-square-foot row houses on the back part of the property. Access to the entire development would be from Ringgold Road, he said.
Planning Commission Chairman Mike Chauncey said this kind of development on the other end of town was a welcome addition.
“I think it’s nice,” Chauncey said. “People have been crying out for new development on the west side of Ringgold Road.”
Board member Scott Miller was concerned about the ability of the city’s sanitation trucks to pick up refuse within the development on a private road. He urged the developer to build the private road to city street specifications.
The board passed a request from Jay Desai to rezone a parcel of land at 529 Frawley Road from an agricultural status to R-1 and RT-1 Residential Townhouses until its meeting in July.
Desai wants to develop the property with 77 townhouses inside the project.
A number of nearby property owners spoke out against the project out of concerns of additional flooding in the area. Several others were concerned about the increased traffic the development could bring.
Board member Miller noted that Desai has an adjacent piece of property that he cleared with plans to build 137 houses within its boundaries. Miller said that if that property is fully developed along with the current request before the board it could create a traffic issues on the already busy street.
Miller asked for a traffic study to be done giving the planning commission more information. The rest of the board agreed, and the issue was rolled over to the July meeting.
The owners of Yogi’s Primo Promo appeared before the planning commission asking for an adjoining lot to the business be rezoned from R-1 to R-1 Office. The property in question is at 403 South St. Marks. The owners want to build a 2,400-square-foot office building on the property.
The board passed the request unanimously.
All the actions of the planning commission must be approved by the East Ridge City Council.