Bobby Hudgens called for a motion to start the Alumni meeting which was made by Billy Shipley and seconded by Doug Parham.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted with no objections.
Bobby Hudgens read the official certification from the IRS that our Association is now a charitable organization under 501(c)3. Woo hoo – let the begging begin!
A huge thank you to ERHS alumni and CPA Steve Scruggs for his work on this IRS exemption.
Attorney and ERHS alumni Dee Hobbs agreed to file the amendment to the Association’s charter as requested by the IRS to clarify one clause in the original filing (thanks Dee!).
Hamilton County Commissioner Tim Boyd made a presentation to the group with a proposal for a county resolution that all funds and revenue from the proposed cell tower to be constructed on the grounds of East Ridge High School, be directed and used for the construction of a new football stadium and adjacent buildings. A unanimous vote in support of this proposal was made and a recommendation for a letter to the County Commission in support of the proposal be send prior to the Wednesday morning Commission Meeting (May 4 at 9:30 a.m.). Anyone in support of the proposal can send an email to [email protected] or show up at the Commission Meeting on May 4 at 9:30 a.m.
“Reunion Weekend” has been confirmed for Friday, August 5th and Saturday, August 6th
Now that the 501(c)3 certificate has been received, corporate sponsors will be visited this week and asked to provide large sponsorships for the golf tournament on August 5th.
Ticket price discussion was held and the final numbers came in at $20 per person or $35 per couple for Friday night’s party and $60 per person or $100 per couple for Saturday night’s event.
Coach Tim James agreed that the ERHS football players could volunteer at the flashback tours at ERHS on Saturday.
A list of tasks, needs, and assignments will be created and distributed to the members so that each event is covered and volunteer coordination can begin.
The next meeting of the Association will be held on Monday, June 6, at 7:00 p.m. at the ERHS Library.
A motion was made by Mike Evatt and seconded by Dee Hobbs to adjourn the meeting