As a temporary measure to combat the coronavirus, East Ridge Municipal Court announced Tuesday that it is not accepting cash payments for fines.
The new policy is an effort to safeguard the public and court personnel from COVID-19, officials said.
What follows is a statement from East Ridge Court Clerk Patricia Cassidy:
As of March 25th, 2020, the Municipal Court of the City of East Ridge will no longer accept cash payments. If you have a court date in the months of March and April, we have and will diligently try to contact you. If you have not been contacted, please contact our office at 423/867-2701. We will still accept payments over the phone, credit or debit card, and you may also mail a cashier check or money order to the court for payment of fines. We are trying to alleviate any contact with the public that would potentiate the spread of COVID 19.