The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Municipal court is held at City Hall on Tombras Avenue and begins at 3 p.m.
Jessie Ervin – vandalism/PTR.
Michael Garrick – theft under $1,000/for capias, revoked DL/for capias, theft of auto.
Ryan Ladd – theft over $2,500, resisting arrest.
Dustin Long – drug paraphernalia, criminal trespassing, burglary/for capias, drug paraphernalia/for capias.
Christopher Melton – evading arrest/for capias.
Butch Shirley – possession meth, possession schedule IV, possession schedule II, drug paraphernalia, possession prohibited weapon.
James Turner – revoked DL/alias capias.
Stacy Ballinger – suspended DL/for capias, light law, suspended DL/alias capias.
Lesley Blansit – shoplifting/pro capias.
Courtney Foster – domestic assault.
Denecia Gaudlin – drug paraphernalia/for capias, suspended DL/alias capias, no insurance, registration violation.
Heather Scrivens – possession schedule V, drug paraphernalia.
Jacob Stevens – carjacking.
Darrell Trimmier – domestic assault/for capias, violation conditions of release.
Jennifer Warlick – DUI/PTR.
Byron Baker – DUI.
Michael Barhite, forgery.
Taylor Boehm – DUI.
Joseph Burt – DUI, implied consent
Russell Davis – drug paraphernalia, possession schedule II.
Demario Fountain – aggravated assault.
Jaquone Frazier – resisting arrest/for capias, assault on police/for capias (2), retaliation for past acts/for capias (4), unlawful possession firearm/for capias, criminal impersonation/for capias, no DL/for capias, vandalism/for capias.

R.T. Griffith – criminal trespassing.
Joshua Harrison – leaving the scene, duty to render aid.
Michael Holt – prescription drug fraud.
Charlie Johnson – DUI, registration violation, no insurance.
Reginald Jorden – possession meth/for capias, drug paraphernalia/for capias.
Seth Lankford – assault on police, resisting, drug paraphernalia.
Christian Martinez – possession cocaine/resale, possession marijuana/resale, drug paraphernalia, speeding.
Brandon Middleton – domestic assault.
Roderick Sims – simple possession/marijuana, drug paraphernalia, public intoxication.
Dontavious Smiley – evading, unlawful possession weapon, suspended DL, speeding, no insurance.
Daniel Tackett – aggravated assault, vandalism.
Ladarrius Williams – possession controlled substance, no insurance, speeding.
Joseph Yates – criminal trespassing, fail to maintain lane, red light, left of center, light law, no insurance.