A two-day undercover operation by Special Agents with the TBI Human Trafficking Unit and Task Force, the Chattanooga Police Department, and Homeland Security Investigations has resulted in the arrest of 14 men accused of seeking illicit sex from minors.
Over a two-day period beginning December 9, as part of an undercover investigation aimed at addressing human trafficking in East Tennessee, authorities placed several decoy advertisements on websites known to be
linked to prostitution and commercial sex cases. The focus of the operation was to identify individuals seeking to engage in commercial sex acts with minors. As a result of the operation, detectives and agents arrested 14
men and booked them into the Hamilton County Jail:
*Gregory Joiner (DOB 7/12/60), Chattanooga: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Thomas Baggenstoss (DOB 3/6/77), Knoxville: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Rubelino Velasquez Salas (DOB 1/6/89), Chattanooga: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*William Fugate (DOB 8/18/76), Riceville: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Jerome Stewart (DOB 10/17/95) Chattanooga: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act, Possession of Marijuana
*Michael Scarlett (DOB 3/3/98), Houston, TX: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Khadim Gueye (DOB 9/26/87), Chattanooga, TN: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Sibley Evans (DOB 7/10/77), Lupton City: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Aurelio Hernandez (DOB 9/25/88), Roanoke, VA: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Thomas Cochran (DOB 4/27/78), Carrollton, GA: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act, Possession of Meth, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
*Nicholas Underwood (DOB 9/9/99), Cohutta, GA: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act, Possession of a Firearm while in Commission of a Felony
*Bersain Velasquez (DOB 5/24/79), Chattanooga: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
*Qu’darius Smith (DOB 12/10/97), Chattanooga: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act, Possession of Meth, Possession of Marijuana
*Nelvin Cruz-Cruz (DOB 2/17/72), Lilburn, GA: Trafficking for Commercial Sex Act
Part of the operation also focused on identifying potential victims of trafficking. One adult woman was offered services such as housing and counseling through Grow Free Tennessee, a program of the Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking, and Willowbend Farms.
Those participating in the operation included the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Chattanooga Police Department, Homeland Security Investigations, the Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking, and
Willowbend Farms.
Information about human trafficking and TBI’s efforts to address this type of crime can be found online at www.ITHasToStop.com.