The East Ridge Housing Commission met pursuant to notice on August 9, 2019, 5:30 pm at East Ridge City Hall. Chairperson Winters called the meeting to order.
Present were: Chairperson Winters, Boardmember Broome, Boardmember Rogers, Boardmember Stephens, Boardmember Wilson and City Attorney Mark Litchford.
Chairperson Winters led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
5313 State Line Road –The Housing Commission heard testimony relative to the structure from Deputy Chief Fire Marshal Mike Flynn, Jr. Evidence was presented that included the existence of numerous code violations. The Housing Commission discussed at length options to assist the property owner with finding alternative living arrangements. The property owner failed to appear for this hearing. The Housing Commission determined that it was best to pass this matter to Monday, August 12, 2019 to secure the presence of the property owner at the hearing.
The East Ridge Housing Commission met pursuant to notice on August 12, 2019, 5:30 pm at East Ridge City Hall. Chairperson Winters called the meeting to order.
Present were: Chairperson Winters, Boardmember Broome, Boardmember Rogers, Boardmember Wilson and Attorney Michael Holloway.
Absent: Boardmember Stephens
Chairperson Winters led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
5313 State Line Road –The Housing Commission moved and approved to pass this case to the September 9, 2019 meeting. A relative of the owner, Bryan Sanders attended the hearing. Mr. Daniel Waller of Waller & Sons was also present to discuss the improvements that will be made to the structure to bring it into compliance with current code. The property owner shall obtain the proper permits to make repairs to the structure.
5314 Dupont Street – The Housing Commission moved and approved to close this case and dismiss in its entirety.
1714 Thombras Avenue –The Housing Commission moved and approved to close this case and dismiss in its entirety.
4317 Dupont Street – The Housing Commission moved and approved to pass this case to the October 14, 2019 meeting. The property owner shall obtain the proper permits to make repairs to the structure.
1619 Barry Road – The owner is still waiting on signatures to get a clear deed. The Housing Commission moved and approved to pass this matter to the October 14, 2019 hearing.
6619 State Line Road – The Housing Commission moved and approved to pass this case to the September 9, 2019 meeting. The Code Enforcement Department has determined that the property is within the 100-year flood. The property owner is required to submit a FEMA Substantial Improvement Form showing the estimated cost to improve the property in order to bring the property/structure into compliance with current codes. The property owner has until 5:00 pm on Friday, August 16, 2019 to allow Codes Enforcement entry into the structure to inspect any repairs that have been made or are in progress.
1317 Pleasant Street – The Housing Commission has deemed this structure unfit for human habitation and hereby orders the structure to be demolished within thirty (30) days of the Housing Commission Order. The property owner has ten (10) days to appeal this decision to the City Manager.
3220 Gleason Drive –The Housing Commission has moved and approved to pass this case to the November 11, 2019 meeting. At that time, the owner shall give a review of the updates on improvements at the property.
5603 Ringgold Road – The Housing Commission moved and approved to pass this case to the September 9, 2019 meeting.
1302 Pleasant Street – The Housing Commission moved and approved to pass this case to the September 9, 2019 meeting. The Housing Commission as ordered that the property owner be physically present at this meeting