The following information is courtesy of the East Ridge Police Department.
Day Shift March 6
25-002371 – 6500 BLK Ringgold Road – Harassment – An officer with TN Department of Corrections contacted ERPD after one of his probationers said she would stab another probationer given the opportunity. The officer advised he is seeking a warrant for Violation of Probation and requested ERPD conduct a wellbeing check on the subject. Officers contacted her at the hotel, and she denied experiencing thoughts of harming herself or others.
25-002372 – 4100 BLK Ringgold Rd – Well-Being Check/Arrest – Two females were found asleep in a vehicle at this location. Plain view drug paraphernalia was seen inside the car leading to the subsequent search of the vehicle and arrest of both for two charges of possession of schedule II, possession with intent to resale, and paraphernalia. Both suspects were transported to Hamilton County Jail.
25-002380 – 601 Justice Way – Warrant Service – A woman was served with a Forfeiture Capias for Driving on Revoked, Suspended, Cancelled Driver’s License while in custody at the jail.
Night Shift March 6
25-002383-4000 BLK Bennett Road-MVC Injuries/DUI Arrest – Police responded to the area for a single-vehicle accident with unknown injuries. After further investigation, a woman was taken into custody for driving under the influence. At the jail, it was found that this was her second DUI offense.
25-002389 – 3700 BLK Ringgold Road – Suspicious Vehicle, Field Interview – After observing a white Toyota pickup truck parked in the former Food City parking lot, police performed a well-being check on the sleeping occupant. The man explained that he parked to rest because he was tired. He was sober, respectful, and fully cooperated with police for a field interview
25-002390-5100 BLK Hwy 153- Warrant Service – Chattanooga Police Department was out with a party that had two verified East Ridge arrest warrants; the charges were theft and driving without a license. East Ridge police responded to the above location and transported the subject to Hamilton County jail.