Heath Department data show an upward trend in the daily number of new cases with 109 cases today. Since a low on August 4 of 44 cases, the number of new cases reported daily has begun to increase again. While hospitalizations continue to trend down, the number of Hamilton County resident deaths related to COVID-19 has risen to 60. The following data is given since the last update:
- #54: 51-60 yr old male, white, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
- #55: 71-80 yr old male, white, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
- #56: 81+yr old male, white, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
- #57: 81+yr old female, white, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
- #58: 71-80 yr old female, black, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
- #59: 61-70 yr old male, black, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
- #60: 51-60 yr old male ,black, non-Hispanic, with underlying conditions.
“We recognize the loss of these individuals to their family, friends, and the community,” said Health Department Administrator Becky Barnes, “This announcement gives us all further resolve to practice what we know works–wearing masks in public, social distancing, washing hands, and avoiding large gatherings.”
Over the upcoming Labor Day weekend, the Health Department recommends limiting gatherings to no more than 10 people and preferably just household contacts. Do not plan big parties. Health Department data show that many of the new cases of COVID-19 in Hamilton County are directly related to exposures at gatherings, then the positive person continues the spread by infecting other family members.
According to the CDC, the more people an individual interacts with at a gathering and the longer that interaction lasts, the higher the potential risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and spreading COVID-19. Read more about the CDC’s Considerations for Events and Gatherings here.
In order to keep schools open for in-person learning, the Health Department urges all citizens, businesses, and organizations to continue to work together to limit the spread of the virus in our community. Adhering to the mask Directive, social distancing, frequent hand washing and sanitizing, and staying home if sick or considered a close contact to someone who is sick, are important steps that everyone can take.
Free COVID-19 testing will be offered by the Health Department at the following locations and times:
Alstom Plant, 1125 Riverfront Parkway, Chattanooga, TN 37402:
- This Weekend (Saturday, August 15 & Sunday, August 16), 7AM-11AM.
- NEW hours beginning Monday, August 17, 7AM-11:30AM; these new hours will be 7 days a week.
The Village Church, 2800 N Chamberlain Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37406(the old Mt. Canaan Church):
- Saturday, August 15, 10AM-1PM
- Sunday, August 16, 12PM-3PM
Visit these additional Health Department COVID-19 resources:
- COVID-19 hotline: (423) 209-8383
- Subscribe to the Health Department’s mailing list: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/j6u3e5
- COVID-19 Website and Testing Calendar: http://health.hamiltontn.org/
- English Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HamiltonTNHealthDept/
- Spanish Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SaludHamiltonTN/
- YouTube English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkF8VUBQFLiJoxh8Sk10mA
- YouTube Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHuLpBFuLOf6hDTOCFbfyQ
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamiltonHealth