The Hamilton County Health Department and Hamilton County Schools want residents to be informed of the updated quarantine process for public school students.
With an increase in cases and contacts in both public and private schools, the Health Department and Hamilton County Schools worked together to streamline the quarantine process. A quarantine would be required if, in the course of a COVID-19 investigation, the Health Department and Hamilton County Schools make a determination that a student is a close contact with a positive case.
If a child is identified as a close contact to a positive case, their parents will be notified through the letter included below, which states that their child is required to begin a quarantine period. The letter will include a release of quarantine date, at which point the child may return to school, assuming they do not develop symptoms during their quarantine period.
Previously, the Health Department would call parents to initiate a quarantine period, then mail a release of quarantine letter to the parents when their child completed the quarantine period. The quarantine letter process has changed.
Parents will now receive only one letter at the beginning of the quarantine period, which will include the release of the quarantine date.
According to the CDC, a “close contact” is someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes. This process is the same whether the child was exposed at school or in any other setting.
“Because school-age contacts and transmission are increasing in Hamilton County, it is very important that parents abide by the quarantine orders issued by the Health Department,” said Health Department Administrator Becky Barnes, “This also means quarantined students are not allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities, even if they are outside or wearing a mask.”
The age brackets of 0-10 years and 11-20 years accounted for 18.6% of all new cases last week, up 2% from the week before. Cumulatively, throughout the pandemic in Hamilton County, these same ages account for 21.6% of all positive or probable COVID cases, and includes K-12 students in both public and private schools.
It is recognized that some students would not receive the school lunch if they are quarantined at home. To help alleviate this hardship, the family can contact the child’s school. Student meals are available free of charge to all students, regardless of income.
Questions about COVID contact tracing, the quarantine process, or COVID in general should be directed to the Health Department’s hotline (423-209-8383) and not Hamilton County Schools.
Legal Notice of Quarantine Issued Under the Authority of the Hamilton County Health Department
To the Parent(s) or Guardian of STUDENT,
This message is to notify you that someone within your child’s school family has tested positive for COVID-19. It has been determined that your child was a close contact of that individual. A “close contact” is defined as any person who has been in close proximity with a confirmed COVID-19 case (less than 6 feet) for fifteen minutes or more with an infected person, with or without a mask. Because of privacy laws we cannot share the positive individual’s name.
Due to this exposure it is now required that your child restrict their movements and quarantine for 14 days after this exposure. Restricted movement includes NOT GOING TO ANY areas such as:
Work (exceptions may be made for critical essential workers) |
Public transportation (bus, taxi, ride share) |
Schools/daycares |
Church activity |
Shopping centers/malls |
Theaters/performances |
Movie theaters |
Any other place where crowds gather |
Stadiums |
Having gatherings at your home |
The date your child may return to school provided they do not have any symptoms is
You may or may not receive a call from the local or state health department during this quarantine period due to the potential backlog resulting from the rate of new active cases. If you have any questions about the information in this letter, please call the Hamilton County Health Department COVID 19 hotline at 423-209-8383.
It is not necessary to obtain a COVID-19 test for your child unless your child develops symptoms of COVID-19. A negative COVID-19 test does NOT alter this quarantine period, you may not return to school until the end of the quarantine period. While the virus that causes COVID-19 does not cause illness in every person who becomes infected, it is contagious. Your child is at risk of getting sick for up to 14 days after they last had contact with an infected person. If your child or someone in your family becomes ill during this period of quarantine, contact your child’s medical provider for guidance.
If your child’s being in quarantine is a hardship for your family, please contact your school. Student meals are available free of charge to all students, regardless of income. Hamilton County is also distributing free food boxes at its COVID-19 testing site for those who have been tested on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM-1:00 PM at Alstom, 1125 Riverfront Pkwy, Chattanooga, TN 37402. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide additional updates when available.