Will Denami, left, presents Rep. Marc Gravitt with the Legislator of the Year Award from the Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers.
Nashville _ Representative Marc Gravitt has been awarded the Legislator of the Year Award for the 109th General Assembly by the Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers. Will Denami, Executive Director of the Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers, presented the award to Representative Gravitt on behalf of the statewide association.
“I have had the privilege to work with Representative Gravitt over the past year to ensure folks who qualify for the homebelt program are able to remain on the program even after their spouse passes away. Representative Gravitt has proven to be an effective legislator who cares about his district and the citizens across the state. It brings me great pleasure to present this award to a deserving public servant who has hit the ground running and whom I expect will continue to doing an outstanding job in the Tennessee House of Representatives,” said Will Denami, Executive Director of the Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers.
Representative Gravitt said “I am extremely humbled and honored to be presented this award from the Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers. Being in my first term, I have really tried to listen and learn the legislative process and issues. As a 20-year real estate veteran and small business owner in the real estate arena, I have an understanding of mass appraisal and appreciate the important role of the Assessor of Property in ensuring fairness to the citizens. I feel like my role as a Representative is to make sure everyone is treated fairly and to help the people and businesses of Tennessee, in everyway I can.”
The Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers (TNAAO) is a professional organization composed of the elected officials serving as Assessors of Property in Tennessee’s 95 counties. Headquartered in Nashville, the TNAAO’s purpose is to work on behalf of the people of our great state to ensure fairness and uniformity in statutes regarding the assessment of property, as well as to promote excellence through best practices and professionalism among those charged with this vital task.