Firefighters peer inside a house on Donaldson Road, Friday afternoon, after extinguishing a blaze. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
No one was injured, Friday afternoon, when fire damaged a house on Donaldson Road.
The call came at 1:11 p.m., said East Ridge Fire Department Commander Billy Quintrell. When firefighters arrived at 708 Donaldson flames were exiting from windows. Commander Quintrell said fire personnel were told initially that there could be people inside the burning house. A neighbor and a postman told fire officials that they had seen the occupants of the house earlier in the day.
Firefighters staged an interior attack and the flames were quickly brought under control. It was quickly established, Commander Quintrell said, that the house was unoccupied at the time of the fire. He said that the father of one of the residents told firefighters that his son had left the house more than an hour before the fire was reported.
The fire did extensive damage to the single-story older frame home. The cause of the fire, officials said has not been determined at this time. An investigation into the cause of the blaze will commence.