Contributed photo – East Ridge Officer John Perry, left, presents a ballistic vest to Taylor Dorrell with Awakened Generation Ministries. The department donated 20 of the vests to the organization which will send them to Ukraine.
On Wednesday, June 8, Assistant Chief Clint Uselton and Officer John Perry with the East Ridge Police Department met with Taylor Dorrell of Awakened Generation Ministries to donate 20 bullet resistant vests. Awakened Generation Ministries is a faith based, non-profit ministry that collects donations to provide assistance to the people in Ukraine.
Several years ago, East Ridge Police Officer John Perry became friends with Dorrell while both were attending seminary together. Dorrell reached out to Perry about the need in Ukraine and the East Ridge Police Department began the process of trying to find the best way to help them out.
One obvious solution was to donate the 20 bullet resistant vests that the department was holding. ERPD replaces officers’ vests when they approach the warranty expiration date. These vests had already exceeded their five-year warranty and had already been replaced by new vests for everyday wear for the officers. All 20 vests were being stored in a secured area and would have eventually been scheduled for destruction.
Although the warranties on the vests had expired and even if the efficacy was reduced, the department knew the vests would increase the Ukrainian volunteers’ chances of survival when helping civilians escape hostile areas. Donating the vests was an opportunity to benefit another organization that was trying to save lives and would be at no cost to the citizens of East Ridge.
“This is our first time donating body armor to any non-police organization,” said Assistant Chief Clint Uselton. “We feel privileged to be in a position to assist a worthy cause that is trying to save lives.”
For more information on Awakened Generation Ministries or to donate to the Ukrainian War effort, go to @awakenedgenerationOrg on Facebook or contact Taylor Dorrell at 814.598.7514.