Following the lead of Chattanooga, the City of East Ridge issued a Civil Emergency and Proclamation Order temporarily closing all non-essential businesses effective on Thursday, March 26 at 11 p.m.
“This order basically does not permit services which require close contact,” said Chris Dorsey, East Ridge City Manager. “This includes businesses such as spas, beauty salons, tattoo parlors, and tanning salons. Businesses that cannot regulate social distancing requirements are also restricted, such as movie theaters, concert venues, and retail shopping malls.”
East Ridge City Mayor Brian Williams added that any business considered essential, such as “brick and mortar stores,” grocery stores, drug stores, and service stations, will remain open but are asked to follow safe social distance requirements with their customers. This includes maintaining reasonable efforts to keep customers six feet apart and frequent use of sanitizing products on common surfaces.
All public and private gatherings of more than ten people occurring outside a household are prohibited until further notice.
For more information, go to the City of East Ridge website at or contact City Hall at 423-867-7711.