Daniel Beard, far right, delivers care packages to East Ridge Fire and Police on Wednesday. From left are Lisa Goetz, Kelly Henderson and Tyler Henderson.
There are care packages and then there are “Care Packages.”
Wednesday afternoon Daniel Beard the pastor of “The Crossing” in East Ridge along with several members of the church delivered “care packages” to the East Ridge Fire and Police Services Center.
“In this day and age when there are discrepancies and arguments that develop in some communities with the police and firefighters, we wanted to show support and do something positive,” Pastor Beard said.
Each “care package” contained an energy bar, chapstick, gum, honey buns and so on, Beard said. “It’s something they can take out in the car with them if they miss lunch,” he added.
The packages are a tangible result of a series of sermons that Beard has been preaching at the church, he said. Last week the sermon was on “social justice.”
The packages are something “hands on that we can accomplish,” Beard noted. “The church sees (firefighters and police officers) service and we want them to know that we care.”
Beard and his crew of Melinda Slaton, Lisa Goetz, Kelly Henderson and Tyler Henderson marched into the break room at fire and police headquarters and plopped down the half dozen packages for the first responders to enjoy.
Brent Massey, an engineer with the East Ridge Fire Department, shook hands with the folks and thanked them for such a thoughtful gesture.