Audit report clears county officials, confirms inaccuracies in TFP reporting
The Hamilton County Auditor has released a report thoroughly debunking a Chattanooga Times Free Press article which accused the county mayor and county officials of misleading the public regarding the cost of modernizing public school facilities. After reviewing 575 pages of emails and all contracts involved, the County Auditor concluded, “During our audit, we did not note anything to indicate that Mayor Wamp misled the public or intended to mislead the public regarding the cost of renovating the Gateway Building for housing CCA.”
The report clears county officials of wrongdoing and exposes a number of inaccuracies in the paper’s reporting. Read the seven-page audit report.
Term Limits Proposed for Hamilton County Mayor
Mayor Wamp has introduced a proposal to limit the Hamilton County Mayor to two consecutive four-year terms. This change, aimed at ensuring accountability, new ideas, and transparency, aligns with the term limits for the City of Chattanooga Mayor and mirrors term limit policies in Tennessee’s other large cities and counties. Read
Hamilton County is investing $32 million to modernize 28 school facilities
The county has allocated $32 million for deferred maintenance and facility upgrades in schools across the district. This investment is part of $60 million designated from the bond issue in August, the result of a budget compromise between the county and the school system in FY2024. Funds will support upgrades ranging from athletic facilities to HVAC systems, ensuring school facilities meet student needs, empower teachers, and give confidence to parents. School project list.
County paving the way for Hixson High students to pursue careers as first responders
Hixson High students are advancing toward careers with Hamilton County EMS through a CTE program offering hands-on emergency medical training. An initiative launched last year by the mayor’s office in response to rising 911 call volumes, the partnership between the county and school system aims to address the EMT shortage and provide students a direct pathway to employment with HCEMS after graduation. Read more.
County launches initiative to combat litter
The county is looking for district ambassadors to spearhead countywide community cleanup efforts. District ambassadors will play a vital role in organizing and leading roadside cleanup days and serve as a liaison between their community and county officials, coordinating logistics and supplies for cleanups. Apply to be an ambassador.
Chattanooga Future Fund is a vehicle for the community to invest in students
Chattanooga 2.0 launched the Future Fund – a five-year pilot program providing $150 savings contribution for new kindergartners and sixth graders to support post-high school education. This initiative will serve as a unique vehicle for companies, foundations, and individuals to invest directly in Hamilton County students, empowering them to pursue post secondary opportunities from technical certifications to college degrees. Learn more here.