Unless you have been living under a rock, you are probably well aware and have very strong feelings about what took place on Wednesday evening at Superior Creek Lodge. Just in case your unaware or one of those few who get there “facts” from social media I will give you a short recap. On Tuesday […]
Citizen Input Dominates Council Meeting
Citizen input dominated Thursday’s East Ridge City Council meeting at City Hall. From garden club members rolling out an elaborate long-term plan for planting trees and shrubs at Camp Jordan, to church members talking barbecue, to outrage over the timing in the city’s condemning an extended stay motel, citizens had their say. Maggie Burns, President […]
Council Grapples with ‘Leave Buy Back’ Issue
The East Ridge City Council met Thursday in a Called Meeting and wrestled with the issue of employee compensation. Much of the meeting was dominated by discussions of the City’s “Leave Buy Back” program for employees. The Council adopted Ordinance 918 in 2012 which essentially did away with the program for employees hired after June […]
Council Welcomes New Officers, Beer at Walmart
The East Ridge City Council welcomed three new police officers to the city’s force Thursday night during its regular meeting at City Hall. Mayor Brent Lambert administered the Oath of Honor to new officers Paul Carrano, John Perry and William Johnson, as Chief J.R. Reed looked on. The Council also embraced the sale of […]
Williams to Remain Interim CM Indefinitely
On Thursday during its regular meeting at City Hall, the East Ridge City Council decided not to take any action in the immediate future to find a permanent city manager. Vice Mayor Marc Gravitt had placed an item on the agenda to discuss the position of City Manager. When Andrew Hyatt resigned on June 30, […]
Neptune Beach Approves Contract for Hyatt
On Monday evening, the Neptune Beach City Council in a special session approved a city manager contract for Andrew Hyatt. The contract is tentatively slated to begin August 1, though there was discussion according to the Neptune Beach City Attorney Patrick Krechowski about having him start on July 27th. Krechowski told Neptune Beach councilors that […]
Hyatt Offered CM Job in Neptune Beach
East Ridge City Manager Andrew Hyatt was offered the position of City Manager in Neptune Beach, Fla., Thursday night, according to our friends at The Island Times. Hyatt, who has been City Manger here since October 2013, was one of four finalists for the job. Those candidates _ Michael W. Doss, City Administrator, City of […]
Council Clips Jablonski; Installs Williams as Deputy CM
The East Ridge City Council met Wednesday morning in a special called session/ budget workshop. Little was accomplished in terms of the budget, however the council moved to strip City Treasurer Thad Jablonski of his title of Deputy City Manager. Councilman Larry Sewell read from a sheet of paper as he made a motion to […]
City Takes Steps to Write $1 Million Check
On Sunday, in anticipation of writing Exit 1 LLC developers a check for $1 million, the City Council passed a resolution lowering the minimum balance it must keep as unassigned money in its General Fund. Resolution 2482 lowered the effective amount of money in the general fund from three months operating capital to two months. […]
City Passes Budget on First Reading
The East Ridge City Council met Saturday morning from a recessed meeting and passed on first reading its 2015-16 fiscal year budget. The proposed $10.7 million budget is a decrease of almost half a million dollars (minus the development incentives of $4 million) from the previous year’s budget, officials said. The proposed budget anticipates an […]
Manning Says He’s Running for State Rep.
Editors Note: Matthew DeGlopper is a contributor to East Ridge News Online. With Councilman Larry Sewell absent, the East Ridge City Council met Thursday night and recessed until Saturday morning to take care of the more serious issues before them. However, Councilman Denny Manning, who will have served for 12 years when his term expires […]
Lambert Has No Recollection of TDOT Letter
East Ridge Mayor Brent Lambert said that he was surprised to get a phone call from Tennessee Department of Transportation officials in July informing him of a deed restriction on city-owned property that is being developed for the new Bass Pro Shops. East Ridge News Online reviewed TDOT files on Tuesday and learned that in […]
Lambert Explains Deed Restriction Issue
East Ridge Mayor Brent Lambert said Wednesday that it could be the middle of June before the city can clear up land ownership issues at the Bass Pro Shops project site. “The end result of development going on down there is that it is eminently worth what we are paying for that property” Lambert said. […]
Council Deals with Growing Pains in City
East Ridge experienced some growing pains Thursday night at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Councilman Jacky Cagle wanted to talk about the city entering into a three-year, $100,.000 contract with Retail Strategies to handle the heavy lifting of recruiting new business to the city. The council had previously passed a resolution giving the City […]
City Hires Marketing Firm to Spur Development
The East Ridge City Council hired a marketing firm based in Birmingham to assist in recruiting new businesses to the city, Thursday night during its regularly scheduled meeting. The city will pay Retail Strategies $48,000 in the first year of a three-year agreement to help bring new retail businesses to East Ridge. Representatives of the […]