The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Nov. 17. Garth Belk _ Possession of Methamphetamine, Revoked DL. James Culpepper _ Public Intoxication. John Smith _ FTA, Possession of Controlled Substance (2). George Underwood _ Domestic Assault. Tyesha Anderson _ Writing Checks on a Closed Account. Pam Bolt _ FTA […]
Municipal Court Docket for Nov. 10
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Paul Bailes _ Especially Aggravated Robbery (2), Theft under $500. Rodney Ballard _ Domestic Assault. Kiosmy Bolanos _ Fraudulent use of Credit Card, Forgery. Jason Cordell _ Possession of Marijuana, Suspended DL, No Insurance, Expired DL. Brian Davis _ […]
ER Court Docket for Nov. 3
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Kenneth Beam _ Domestic Assault, Vandalism. Kiosmy Bolanos _ Fraudulent use of Credit Card, Forgery. Michael Caputo _ Controlled Substance by Fraud, Criminal Impersonation, Prescription Fraud, Impersonating a Licensed Professional. Jackie Collins _ Theft over $1,000. Anthony Mullis _ […]
ER Court Docket for Oct. 27
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Oct. 27. Jackie Collins _ Theft over $1,000. Tony Doss _ Criminal Simulation. Jonathan Grant _ Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Theft, Vandalism (2), Felony Vandalism, Aggravated Domestic Assault, Aggravated Assault, Reckless Endangerment. Zachary A. Kennedy _ FTA (2), Theft under $500. Zachary L. […]
Municipal Court Docket for Oct. 13
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on October 13. Paul Bailes _ Especially Aggravated Robbery (2), Theft under $500. Tony Doss _ Criminal Simulation. Jimmy Goins _ Possession of Controlled Substance. Jonathan Grant _ Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Theft, Vandalism (2), Felony Vandalism, Aggravated Domestic Assault, Aggravated Assault, Reckless Endangerment. […]
Municipal Court Docket for Oct. 6
The following people are on the docket to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Oct. 6. Paul Bailes _ Especially Aggravated Robbery (2), Theft under $500. Jackie Collins _ Theft over $1,000. Jerry Collins _ Domestic Assault (3), Theft over $1,000, False Imprisonment. Andrew Griffith _ Forgery. Steven Heberer _ Aggravated Burglary, Theft over […]
City Court Docket for Sept. 29
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Sept. 27. Johnny Dearing _ Aggravated Burglary. Timothy Gamble _ FTA, Revoked DL (2), Drug Paraphernalia. Allen McCarver _ FTA (3), DUI second offense. Thomas McCurter _ Theft under $500, FTA, Aggravated Criminal Trespass. Jimmy Ridner _ Criminal Trespass. Patrick Wilson […]
City Court Docket for Sept. 22
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge City Court on Sept. 22. Patrick Gibbens _ Probation Capias, Theft of Services, Vandalism. Jonathan Grant _ Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Vandalism (2), Felony Vandalism, Aggravated Domestic Assault, Aggravated Assault, Reckless Endangerment, Helmet Law, Suspended DL, No Insurance, Misuse of Registration. Roy Henderson _ Petition […]
City Court Docket for Monday
The East Ridge Municipal Court will convene on Monday, Sept. 14 at 5 p.m., officials said. City Court is normally scheduled for Tuesdays, but will be moved to Monday this week, as Judge Cris Helton will be attending a judicial conference. David Bracey _ FTA, Theft. Thomas Cross _ FTA, Theft of Services. Demario Fountain […]
City Court Docket for Sept. 8
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Eric Cannon _ FTA (2), No DL. James Dixon _ FTA, Theft under $500. Buddy Frazier _ Domestic Assault. Andrew Glenn _ FTA, Suspended DL, Criminal Impersonation, Aggravated Assault. Roy Henderson _ FTA, Petition to Revoke, Drug Paraphernalia, Simple […]
City Court Docket for Sept. 1
The following people appear on the East Ridge Municipal Court docket for Tuesday, Sept. 1. Andrew Begg _ Burglary, Theft over $500. Buddy Frazier _ Aggravated Domestic Assault. Patrick Gibbens _ Vandalism. Johnny Gilreath _ Drug Paraphernalia, Evading Arrest. Roy Henderson _ FTA, Petition to Revoke. Jimmy Songer _ FTA, Attempted Criminal Simulation. Anthony Visher […]
City Court Docket for Aug. 25
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Aug. 25. James Blevins _ Suspended DL, Theft under $500, Theft over $1,000. Richard Carthorn _ Aggravated Assault, Theft under $500. Howard Cheaves _ FTA, Passing Worthless Checks. Nathan Glenn _ Petition to Revoke. Wesley Norwood _ Domestic Assault. David Pursley […]
City Court Docket for Aug. 18
The following people are scheduled to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Aug. 18. Andrew Beggs _ Burglary, Theft under $500. Michael Cantrell _ FTA (2), Petition to Revoke, Show Cause. Jason Gibson _ FTA, Felony Evading, Revoked DL, Misuse of Registration, No Insurance. Dedric Hayes _ Felony Evading, Felony Reckless Endangerment, Revoked DL. […]
Municipal Court Docket for Aug. 11
The following people are on the docket to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Aug. 11. Roski Bonds _ FTA (4), Possession Schedule II. Billy Bryant _ Petition to Revoke, Theft over $1,000, Reckless Endangerment. Bryant Burney _ Violation Conditions of Release. Richard Cathorn _ Aggravated Assault, Theft under $500. Jonathan Grant _ […]
City Court Docket for Aug. 4
The following people are on the docket to appear in East Ridge Municipal Court on Tuesday, Aug. 4. Billy Bryant _ Theft over $1,000, Felony Reckless Endangerment. Tommy Durham _ Aggravated Domestic Assault, Aggravated Assault, Domestic Assault. Jason Ford _ Revoked DL, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Theft over $1,000. Dedric Hayes _ Felony Evading Arrest, […]