East Ridge Animal Services came the aid of an injured Barred Owl that was found in the backyard of a Marlboro Avenue residence, early Friday morning.
Jack Berry said he was awoken in the predawn hours on Friday by his dogs barking in the back yard of his Marlboro Avenue house. He went to investigate and discovered a Barred Owl flailing around desperately seeking sanctuary from the dogs.
Berry said he put the dogs in the house and came back outside and found the owl had sought refuge in a good sized hole his dogs had dug. Improvising, Berry placed a utility cart over the hole to keep the owl safe from crows that were beginning to show an interest in the injured bird.
After calling various wildlife and aviary experts and getting little help, Berry called East Ridge Animal Services. Within 10 minutes Crystal Reno, the supervisor of animal services, and her crew were on the scene.
With assistants lifting the utility cart up, Reno crouched in the hole, placed a small blanket over the distressed owl, and without struggle from the injured raptor, placed the bird into a carrier.
Reno said the bird, which appeared to have an injured wing, will be turned over to Happinest Wildlife for rehabilitation. She said she hopes the Barred Owl will make a full recovery.