Due to rainy weather this week, TDOT contract crews have rescheduled the work to modify traffic patterns in the Broad Street and Market Street areas near I-24 in Chattanooga. The work will now take place beginning after 9:00 a.m. EDT on Monday, June 14, 2021.
Once the new traffic patterns are in place, drivers in the Broad Street and Market Street areas will access I-24 East differently than they do now.
Currently northbound Broad Street traffic accesses I-24 East via 25th Street and Long Street. After the contractor completes the traffic pattern modification, the Long Street ramp will be closed. Traffic will be directed to use 26th Street and Market Street to access I-24 East from northbound Broad Street.
Access to I-24 East from southbound Market Street will also be affected with the closure of the existing loop ramp to I-24 East. Traffic will access I-24 East at a temporary signal on Market Street just south of the I-24 underpass.
Drivers are urged to be alert and follow the signs as they adjust to the new traffic pattern.
This work is being done as part of the project underway to improve the I‑24 interchanges at SR‑2/Broad Street and SR‑58/Market Street in Chattanooga. Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc. is the contractor for the nearly $32-million project.
The1.6-mile project will replace the loops and ramps that serve as exits and entrances of I-24 East and U.S.27 to Broad Street, Williams Street and Market Street with a new one-way ramp and frontage road. The new ramp and frontage road will exit I-24 west of the I-24 and U.S.27 interchange between the old Wheland Foundry site and the Tennessee River and run parallel to I‑24. Additionally, the project will include bridge and retaining wall construction and installation of new traffic signals and lighting. The project is scheduled for completion on or before August 31, 2023.
This project was one of 962 critical transportation projects included in the 2017 IMPROVE Act legislation. For additional information on this project, please visit the project website at: www.tn.gov/tdot/projects/region-2/i-24-interchanges-at-broad-market.