The Hamilton County Health Department will be offering free flu vaccinations for a limited time while supplies last.
- A drive-through flu vaccine clinic will be offeredfor those 18 years or older October 12, 13, and 14 (Monday-Wednesday) from 1:30PM – 5:00PM at the Alstom Plant, 1125 Riverfront Pkwy, Chattanooga, TN 37402.
- This is the same location as the COVID-19 testing site, but the flu vaccine clinic will be held at different hours from the COVID-19 testing.
- The flu vaccine will be free while supplies last and no appointment is needed.
- People will be asked to put on a face mask while in theirvehicle before receiving the flu vaccine.
Free flu vaccine for children (ages 6 months through 17 years) is available by appointment only at the following Health Department locations:
- Sequoyah Health Center (209-5490) located at 9527 W Ridge Trail Rd, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379 or at the
- Pediatric Clinic (209-8050) at the downtown Health Department located at 921 E 3rd St, Chattanooga, TN 37403
“The flu vaccine is especially important right now,” said Health Department Administrator Becky Barnes, “The same tools we’ve been using to prevent the spread of COVID-19—wearing a mask, social distancing, and frequent hand washing—will also help prevent the spread of the influenza virus.”
The flu vaccine is recommended for all persons age 6 months or older who do not have contraindications. Those at highest risk for serious complications from the flu include children under 5 years, adults 65 years and over, pregnant women, and those with preexisting medical conditions or a compromised immune system.The Health Department is encouraging everyone to get a flu shot this year and to get it early. This flu season is going to be more challenging than ever due to the added risk of COVID-19 in our community.
Flu vaccines are also currently available through doctors’ offices and retail pharmacies.
The Health Department will open additional flu vaccination clinics as more supplies become available.
For more information about COVID-19 or the flu vaccine, call the Health Department’s hotline at (423) 209-8383 or visit the calendar on their website. The Health Department continues to offer free COVID-19 testing at the Alstom site 7 days a week, from 8:30AM – 1:00PM.
Due to limited supplies of flu vaccine, the following restrictions apply at each site:
FREE Adult flu shots at the Alstom drive-through site for Hamilton County residents
- Due to a limited supply of flu vaccine, this site will vaccinate Hamilton County residents 18 years of age and older.
- This eligibility requirement is temporary. When more vaccine supplies arrive, the Health Department will open the service to non-Hamilton County residents.
- Receive an email notification when eligibility requirements change:
- Subscribe to the Health Department’s English newsletter:
- Subscribe to the Health Department’sSpanish newsletter:
- Bilingual staff will be available onsite.
- All persons in a vehicle should wear a mask, except children under 2 years.
- No appointment necessary. Service is free.
FREE Pediatric flu shots at the 3rd Street Health Department and Sequoyah Health Center for all children
- This service is available for all children—Hamilton County residents and non-County residents— age 6 months to 17 years.
- Appointments are required.
- To make an appointment at the Sequoyah Health Center, call 423-209-5490
- To make an appointment at the 3rd Street Health Department, call 423-209-8050
- All persons should wear a mask, except children under 2 years.
- Bilingual staff will be available.
- Sequoyah is an outdoor drive-through clinic. Follow the signs when you arrive.
- 3rd Street is an indoor clinic:
- One parent may enter the building with their child (or children).
- Parking is available in the parking garage across from the Erlanger Emergency Room; bring parking ticket in for free validation.
For more information about the Health Department’s flu vaccine program and eligibility, call the Health Department’s informational hotline at (423) 209-8383 or visit the calendar on their website.