On Sunday, the Hamilton County Health Department announced that it had created a series of informational videos it wants to share with people who have tested positive for COVID-19, their family members, and close contacts.
Topics include information on if and when one should go tot he hospital. New videos are added on a regular basis.
These videos can be found on our Spanish YouTube channel and English YouTube channel.
Health Department affiliated testing sites are updated regularly our online testing calendar. Please bookmark this page. Testing is available this week at Brainerd High School, Monday-Friday from 7-11AM.
The public is encouraged to call our COVID-19 hotline at 423-209-8383 with their questions. Bilingual staff are always available.
Connect with the Hamilton County Health Department
- COVID-19 hotline: (423) 209-8383
- English Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HamiltonTNHealthDept/
- Spanish Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Departamento-de-Salud-del-Condado-de-Hamilton-110496877323992/
- Press Briefings: https://www.youtube.com/user/HamiltonCountyTN
- YouTube English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkF8VUBQFLiJoxh8Sk10mA
- YouTube Spanish:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHuLpBFuLOf6hDTOCFbfyQ
- COVID-19 Testing Calendar: http://health.hamiltontn.org/AllServices/Coronavirus(COVID-19)/HealthDepartmentAffiliatedFREETestingSitesinHamiltonCounty.aspx
- Website: http://health.hamiltontn.org/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamiltonHealth
Conéctese con el Departamento de SaluddelCondado de Hamilton
- Si tienepreguntassobre COVID-19 llame a la líneadirectaal 423-209-8383
- Facebook enespañol: https://www.facebook.com/Departamento-de-Salud-del-Condado-de-Hamilton-110496877323992/
- Sitios de pruebas: http://health.hamiltontn.org/AllServices/Coronavirus(COVID-19)/HealthDepartmentAffiliatedFREETestingSitesinHamiltonCounty.aspx
- Canal You Tube enespañol: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHuLpBFuLOf6hDTOCFbfyQ