The Addictions & Dependencies Committee (A&D) of the Hamilton County Regional Health Council invites the public to listen to three recovering addicts who will bravely share their stories of how they got clean and how they continue to live in recovery. The event seeks to break the stigma around recovery and show that addicts can change their lives and become productive members of society.
“There are recovering addicts in every sector of society but many are afraid to discuss their history for fear of stigma,” says A&D Staff Facilitator Carleena Angwin, “By normalizing the public discussion of recovery, we make recovery more attractive for those who need help. Active addicts need to be able to see that others have made it out of addiction. People in recovery provide hope to those still in addiction.”
Two hallmarks of addiction are hopelessness and isolation. Hopelessness is overcome by seeing other addicts who have gotten clean and sober. Meeting people in recovery and hearing their stories transform the isolation into connection. Maybe not right away, but the seed is planted in the addict that they, too, can get and stay clean.
Hamilton County has thriving recovery communities in Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, faith-based fellowships such as Celebrate Recovery, and other 12-Step fellowships.
The public is invited to this free event, including social workers, healthcare workers, faith-based community members, coaches and teachers, parents, employers, people seeking help, and anyone who wants to help reduce the stigma of addiction and recovery.
The event will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020, 6-8 PM, at the Edney Building, 1100 Market Street, Floor 5, Chattanooga, TN, 37402. Due to the nature of personal stories of addiction and recovery, some content may not be suitable for children.
For more information, call Carleena Angwin at (423) 209-8203, email [email protected], or follow the “Voices of Recovery” event from the Health Department’s Facebook page. This will be the second of three events at the same location with different speakers, the last one being Thursday, March 26, 2020.