The following information is courtesy of the East Ridge Police Department and collected from its “pass along” reports.
Feb. 12 Day Shift
720 Pyron Lane- Theft-
The caller advised sometime during the night an unknown suspect took his kayak from his back yard. Upon noticing it was missing he canvased the neighborhood and located it in the back yard of 724 Astor Lane (Nick Mallet residence). Officers attempted to contact Mallet, but he refused to open the door.
4201 East Stump Street- Unconscious Person-
Police responded with fire regarding an eighty-year-old female unresponsive. Upon arrival the female was conscious. She was transported to Parkridge East.
1014 John Ross Road (East Ridge Elementary)- Disorder-
The caller advised of an irate parent banging on the front doors. Upon arrival the parent was gone.
6514 Ringgold Road (Mapco)- Theft from Vehicle-
The caller reported someone took the temporary vehicle registration tag from her vehicle. There are currently no suspects.
4222 Ringgold Road (Speedway)- Shoplifting-
A female juvenile suspect entered the store and took several bags of chips and other miscellaneous items. Speedway declined prosecution.
1517 Tombras Avenue- Fight-
The suspect from the above theft became involved in a physical altercation with another female juvenile in the area of the playground. The two juveniles and their family members were criminally trespassed from the property.
Night Shift
1317 Pleasant St. / Structure Fire:
Officers responded to a structure fire at this address. Once on scene, officers found it to be an outbuilding that was fully engulfed in flames. East Ridge Fire also responded and extinguished the fire. Unknown ownership at this time due to the property appeared abandoned. Former Mullis residence.
6708 Ringgold Rd (simple possession):
A caller reported to police a female was seen at this address at the Circle K slumped over in a red SUV. Upon arrival police found a white female in a red SUV. The female attempted to pull off when police attempted contact. Once the suspect rolled the window down and was asked to step out of the car to perform field sobriety testing, she again attempted to pull off. After placing the vehicle in park, she did exit the vehicle to speak with police. The female identified herself as Rachael Evans. Police were given consent to search the vehicle. A search of the vehicle led to the discovery of a substance consistent with methamphetamine and a glass pipe. Charges pending.
2111 Eledge Rd/ Disorder:
Police were called to this location, due to a disorder that occurred on Castle Ave. The female juvenile RP stated that she was assaulted but had no evidence to support the claim. The suspect was not on scene and the RP and her mother refused to prosecute.
5362 Reneau Way (auto burglary):
The complainant stated her video surveillance system picked up a silver sedan entering the neighborhood at approximately 0030 hours. Four white males wearing gray hoodies can be seen rapidly moving from vehicle to vehicle checking doors and entering vehicles. At this time there is no report of any items taken or any damage, but not all victims have come forward to police at this time. The four males were seen running out of the area at approximately 0045 hours.