The following information was compiled from ERPD “pass along” reports.
December 19 – Day Shift
1406 Wright Street- Domestic Assault-
The complainant called to report her stepfather, Scott Parker, had assaulted her. Upon arrival the victim advised she came to the residence to provide care for her disabled mother. She advised Parker had been requesting her mother’s medicines since approximately 4:30 this morning and her husband, Scott Parker, had refused to provide them. Mrs. Parker advised she is in fear of her husband due to regular abuse. The victim advised she responded to the residence at approximately 06:30 hours where she and Parker got into a verbal argument over the care of Mrs. Parker. Mr. Parker then attempted to leave the residence. Upon doing so he assaulted the victim. Mr. Parker had left the scene before police arrival. Adult Protective Services was contacted. Warrants were issued for Mr. Parker. Later in the shift police located Scott Parker at his residence. He was taken into custody on the warrants and acquired new drug charges. He was transported to the Hamilton County Jail.
5700 Roper Street Newcastle Apartments)- Suspicious Activity-
The caller advised of several homeless people living and hanging out around the dumpsters. Upon arrival the homeless were advised to leave the property.
3727 Fountain Avenue- Warrant Service-
CSU detained Demetrick Wynn on Hamilton County warrants and transported him to jail.
4016 Wonder Drive- Vehicle Fire-
Upon arrival the fire was visible from the passenger side of the vehicle. Firefighers were able to extinguish the blaze.
Belvoir Avenue @ Ringgold Road- Warrant Service/Traffic Stop-
Shawn Jarrett was detained and transported to 601 on a Hamilton County warrant.
4416 Lanoir Circle- Suspicious Vehicle-
The caller advised of a silver Chrysler sedan “cruising” the neighborhood. Upon police arrival the vehicle had already left the area.
1517 Tombras Avenue- Suspicious Activity-
City Hall staff called to report a male in the restroom possibly using drugs. Upon arrival police located Richard W.. He was found to be gathering old cigarette butts in order to roll new ones. He was sent on his way.
December 19 – Night Shift
1023 S. Seminole / Auto Theft:
Police responded to this location in reference to an auto theft. The resident reported that his son Cody Gleash had taken his 2005 Chevy Suburban without his consent. Police issued a BOLO and a short time later Catoosa County had recovered to vehicle at 75 North Avenue in Rossville. Catoosa returned the vehicle to its owner and took Cody Gleash into custody for the auto theft.
941 Spring Creek Rd. / Delayed Assault:
Police responded after being called by ER staff regarding an assault victim. Police made contact with the victim who was unable to advise any suspect information. Police were able to determine the assault took place in East Brainerd but due the victim’s level of intoxication were unable to determine a more exact location. Chattanooga Police were advised of the incident and due to the party not wanting a report as well as being intoxicated they did not respond.
201 Eads Street, Apt 427 / Theft and Possession Schedule V:
Police responded to investigate a theft of a child’s medication. The victim stated that Jordan Orr-Crane returned to her apartment. Ms. Orr-Crane admitted to stealing the child’s ADHD medication in a conversation between the two women. Police spoke with Ms. Orr-Crane in which she admitted to officers that she is an addict and stole the meds. When officers asked to the location of the meds, she stated that she consumed all of the pills already with the last three being consumed earlier that day. Police took her into custody for Theft under $500. During a search incident to arrest, two capsules of Gabapentin were discovered on Ms. Orr-Crane’s person. Police arrested her for Theft and Possession of Schedule V controlled substance. She was transported to Hamilton County Jail.
December 20 – Day Shift
1509 Tombras Avenue (found property):
A small black child’s Rampage backpack was found near the swings at Pioneer Park. The backpack was collected and placed into property and evidence.
6500 Ringgold Road (shoplifting):
A white male wearing a camouflage shirt and a red bandana ran out of the Tip Top Food Mart with a case of beer and several packs of cigarettes. The suspect then dropped the items after being chased by the clerk. Tip Top does not wish to prosecute for the theft.
14 Laurel Lane (auto theft recovery):
Police recovered a stolen Dodge Ram 1500 found sitting on cinderblocks in front of an abandoned residence. The vehicle, which was stolen from Dalton, GA, was towed by East Ridge Auto and removed from NCIC.
3725 Fountain Avenue Apartment 12 (burglary):
The resident reported his apartment was burglarized sometime over the last three days. The victim advised no one had a key to his apartment, but he came home to find his back doors were unlocked. Various electronics were stolen along with an American Tactical 12 gauge, Mossberg 12 gauge and a small safe containing a Glock 19.
December 20– Night Shift
6401 Ringgold Rd (Misc):
A 20-year-old Hispanic male contacted police and stated that he had murdered another Hispanic male in Memphis, TN approximately one year ago. The shift supervisor contacted the Homicide Division of the Memphis PD and found that the male’s claim was not valid. Police then found evidence that the male had made a similar claim in the past two months that did not verify. Police transported the male party to Joe Johnson for a medical evaluation.
1417 S St Thomas, Rm 226 (Disorder):
Police responded to a disorder with vandalism at the Motel 6. On scene, police determined that the vandalism suspect was not a hotel guest and had already left the area. The suspects identity could not be verified on scene and will require additional investigation. Savannah Bryant, a hotel guest, was arrested for Obstruction and Criminal Impersonation. The other room occupant, Cameron McDuffy, was arrested on a Hamilton County warrant.
5610 Ringgold Rd (DUI):
Donny Akins was arrested for DUI and Implied consent following a traffic stop at this location.
4348 Ringgold Rd (DUI):
Jonathan Hazzard was arrested for DUI and possession of a handgun while under the influence after employees from Checkers called because he was asleep in his truck with it running for hours.
5348 Rose Street (Domestic Assault):
Matthew Upshaw was entrusted to look after his sister’s children while she was gone for a brief time. She came home to find her children in the house alone and Upshaw no longer there. Upshaw returned a short time later and assaulted his sister after a verbal argument. Upshaw left the scene in a white Nissan Maxima just prior to police arrival. Warrants for child neglect and domestic assault are pending on Upshaw. A report was filed with DCS.
4348 Ringgold Rd. (counterfeit money):
Police were called to Checkers restaurant regarding a fake $100 bill that a customer tried to pass to purchase food. The bill was placed into property and evidence.
December 21 – Day Shift
5406 Clemons Road (auto theft):
The resident reported that her vehicle was stolen from her driveway as it was warming up. The black 2008 Saturn Vue (TN 6M06G0) entered into NCIC.
December 21 – Night Shift
6600 Ringgold Rd (DUI):
Mark Wimpee was arrested for driving under the influence following a traffic stop at this location.
4222 Ringgold Rd (DUI):
Patrick Millsaps was arrested for driving under the influence after he crashed into the rear end of another vehicle at this location causing his passenger and the other driver to be transported to the hospital.
4222 Ringgold Rd (Intoxicated person):
Wanda Shannon was arrested for public intoxication at this location.
6674 Ringgold Rd (assist fire):
Police assisted fire at the Oyo Hotel for a fire alarm.
941 Spring Creek Rd (Warrant Service):
Christopher Crum was arrested on an East Ridge Capias Warrant for Failure to Appear after being released from Park Ridge East Hospital.
601 Walnut St (Warrant Service):
Christopher Smith was arrested at the Hamilton County Jail on an East Ridge warrant for Criminal Simulation.
4214 Ringgold Rd. (Theft):
Mr. Watson came to the police department to report a theft. Mr. Watson stated he met with Malik Walker, at the McDonalds restaurant, to purchase an IPhone XR for $330. After the purchase, Mr. Watson attempted to activate the phone, and was told the phone was stolen.
941 Spring Creek Rd. (possible sexual assault):
A mother brought her 1 ½ year old daughter to Park Ridge East Hospital, regarding a possible sexual assault. CID and CPS were both notified.
December 22 – Day Shift
1620 Prater Road (citizen assist):
An elderly resident at this location called police after his heat went out. Police adjusted the thermometer for him.
3900 Wiley Avenue (suspicious activity):
Residents of this location called, because an unknown male has been coming to their home looking for a man named Charles. The party left his phone number during the most recent visit. Police called the male and informed him that new tenants live at this address, and they do not want him coming by again.
601 Walnut Street (warrant service):
Carla Lewis was arrested at the Hamilton County Jail on an active East Ridge warrant for criminal trespassing.
December 22 – Night Shift
3400 Gail Dr. (Vandalism):
The resident stated she went out of town on Friday December 20th, 2019 around 0530 hours. She stated when she returned home this evening around 1800 hours her door was kicked in. She stated nothing was taken inside of her apartment and everything was where she left it. Police attempted to speak to the neighbors across the hall, but they were not home. No suspect information at this time.
3600 Ringgold Rd (Traffic Stop):
Police stopped a Nation Taxi sedan traveling on Ringgold Rd for a light law violation. The driver, Melissa Lane, was found to be driving on a revoked license and had a failure to appear arrest warrant through Sessions. Lane was taken into custody and transported to the Hamilton County Jail. A representative from the Nation Taxi company recovered the vehicle.
6200 Ringgold Rd. (disorder):
Police were dispatched to the Taco Bell regarding a disorder. Police made contact with the shift manager, who stated a man came inside the restaurant complaining about his order. The party began yelling and cussing and put his hands on the employee. After the party realized police were on their way, he threw his food and left.
3802 Daniel Dr. (alarm):
Police were dispatched to this location regarding a back-door alarm. Upon police arrival, all doors appeared secured. Negative contact.