Hamilton County Sheriff Austin Garrett has been appointed by the Tennessee Commissioner of Safety to serve on the State of Tennessee’s State-Level Safety Team.
Sheriff Garrett will serve as the designated representative for the Tennessee Sheriff’s Association and will represent all 95 sheriffs on this important state-level advisory team. The team is comprised of several representatives from a variety of different educational, health, and law enforcement disciplines, including a representative from the Tennessee Chiefs of Police Association. More information about the team can be found by reviewing TCA 49-6-802.
“I am honored to be appointed by the Commissioner of Safety to serve on the State-Level Safety Team and be a part of proposing and advocating for initiatives and safety measures that support the safety of our students and schools,” stated Sheriff Garrett.
The State-Level Safety Team’s purpose is to promote safer and more effective school safety initiatives and to develop plans of action to mitigate a variety of potential threats that could endanger our state’s students and schools. This includes district-wide safety and building-level emergency response plans.
The collective input of this team will be vital to public safety and the legislative process which includes working closely with state legislators on future school-based safety legislation.